Chapter 14

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Hey all of you fantastic people I wanted to tell you some things! If you have noticed my new cover it was made by WildRose393! Thank you so much!! Also I'm going to start uploading every week! Awesome right? Hey if you can promote my story to anyone that would be amazing :) I'm #542 on the Vampire list and #658 on the Fanfiction! Lol I'm so excited!

One more IMPORTANT thing: PLEASE Read!Okay So I have recently started a new story, Called 'Forver Yours, Love Goldfish" It's not fanfiction, but it does have vampires in it. PLEASE READ IT! and tell everyone you know about it! Don't forget to Comment and Vote on this and that one!

                                                                          Bella's POV

Ron was holding Edward against the car by his throat with a vicious glare on his face which Edward was returning. Both of them glaring daggers at each other, it was a bit annoying to see considering this was my fight.

"Ron, Let go of him." I said quietly. He glanced back at me for a second before looking back at Edward. He just glared harder at Edward, and didn't make any move to let go of him.

"No. I'm sick of him, that was the last straw. No one messes with MY girl." He growled at Edward. I crossed my arms across my chest and raised my eyebrow at Ron, who wasn't paying attention and therefore couldn't see me. 

"Your girl?," I say my voice deadly quiet, "I am NO ONE's 'girl'. I am my OWN person. Now. Let go of him. Before I make you." He kept his grip tight on Edward's throat as he looked back at me in disbelief.

"Your standing up for this prick? Bell, What's gotten into you? You cant make me do anything." He stated in disbelief. Before anyone else could blink, Ron was thrown into the tree opposite of where he was standing. I used his power to pull him towards me suspended in midair.

"Whats gotten into me? Have you forgotten about everything we've been through together? Everything I've done for you? I guess Kale was right. The only person you care about is yourself." I shook my head and dropped him before looking back at him one more time, "I wasn't standing up for him. I was standing up for myself."

I turned around towards my car, but someone was blocking my way.

"Get out of my way, Edward." I growled lowly. Just because I helped him doesn't me I like him.

"No. You can't leave." He stated standing his ground.

"Watch me." I used my power to throw him to the side and I continued walking to my car.

"Bella. Stop." I heard my dad's stern voice come from behind me. I sighed knowing this was going to be harder than Ron and Edward because I can't just throw Jasper around.

"Dad. No. I have to go. I just can't stay here." I felt guilty because I had just gotten here and we had just been reunited, but it wasn't safe to stay.

"I know I can't stop you if you decide to go, but I just want you to realize that by you leaving you aren't keeping any of us any safer than we would be if you were here. They already know we have been reunited and you know that." I sighed in defeat because I knew what he said was true. They have spies everywhere and they were bound to already know we were all together.

"Alright I'll stay for now, but I'm not talking to either of them until they learn that I am a person and not an item." I said glaring at them both. Edward looked away and Ron just looked at me with pleading eyes.

"That's fair, I think we should go inside though. It's getting dark and I don't want to take any chances." I smiled a little on the inside at Jasper. Always the protecter.

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