Chapter 5

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5th Chapter 

Bella's POV

That was strange I've never met another vegetarian before, besides Ron of course. He was very bulk too probably one of the largest vamps I have ever seen. Well I have to get on with this hunt, so I crouch down and let my instincts take over. I smell a herd of deer, and a.... mountain lion. Score they are my favorite. I start running at full speed and then pounce and sink my teeth into its throat not even getting a drop on me. That will satisfy me for now, I start running home and once I get there I run into Ron's room.

"Hey Babe" He says as he gets off his bed to kiss me. I love being with Ron but I feel like there is someone else for me sometimes.

"Hey" I reply trying to think of how to tell him about my hunt. But he decides for me.

"How was your hunt" He asks.

"Interesting...." He has a look of confusion on his face."Let me explain Ok when I went out to hunt I smelled some mountain lion but not much of it I thought It was weird that a mountain lion would be so close, so I let my instincts take over and I pounce when I landed what I landed on was hard and not soft..." Then he interrupts, "You mean you didn't land on an animal?"

"I'm getting to that ok, I look down and I realized I landed on a vampire. So I got off him and said Hi I'm Bella and he said his name was Emmett. I said I was sorry he said he lived in forks and went to forks high school. We talked a little more then I went on with my hunt and he left, the weird thing is he was a vegetarian like us."

"Another vegetarian that's cool I wonder if he has a coven."

"Yeah so what did you do while I was gone?" I ask wanting to get off the topic of the hunt.

"I got settled in practiced my gift, boring stuff." He replied

"Oh ok well I'm going to go." I said as I walked off to my room to get some privacy to think.

Well if there is one vampire here then that means there has to be more so he must be in a coven. I wonder how large it is, Wait he said he would see me at school tomorow well i guess i will find out more tomorow.

I ran down the stairs and sat down and flicked through the channels. Yeah i know there was a flat screen in my room but, so what? I wanted to watch TV down here. Then Ron came into the room,

"Hey" He said as he sat down.

"Hey yourself so what do you want to do?"

"How about we play soccer?"

"Oh your so on" I said as i grinned widely. He knew i was fantastic at soccer, but he just kept saying one day he would beat me. We'll see about that. I thought wickedly. I ran out the door to a clearing i had found before when i was hunting.

"Will this work Ron?" I asked him.

"Yep today is going to be the day, I beat you!" He replied.

"Sure, Sure keep telling yourself that Ron." I said smugly. He scowled at me, We both knew the rules, 1. We could use our powers, 2. No taking off Limbs. That was it. Then he through the ball up in the air and we both went up to get it at the same time but i beat him to it. I knocked the ball towards his goal, and landed on the ground and started kicking the ball when i suddenly flew back 30 feet.

"Shit!" I mumbled. Then i saw him and decided to play with him. I waited till he was right about to use his power and then I used my secret weapon.

"You look really sexy when you play soccer, you know that?" I told him seductively. He was dazzled and at that moment I got the ball with my feet and flung him into a tree 40ft away the tree split in half with the impact.

"Gotcha!" I said then I ran my hardest then when i got to the goal, I felt him coming up behind me so i flung him back 20 ft into another tree man i feel bad for those tree's I thought. Then i jumped in the air while the ball was in the air and spun around in the air and kicked it hard straight into the goal. 

"I WIN AGAIN!" I pumped my fist into the air.

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