Chapter 9

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Sorry I change Pov's a lot in the begining of this chapter so that I can show the emotions of everyone. :D

Chapter 9

Confusion and Old Feelings.

Alice's POV 

Wh… Wha... What? How? There is no way, just no way. He is dead, and has been for the past 100 years.

"Ali Bear? What? How? You're supposed too be… dead." Stated my brother from so long ago.

I was too shocked to answer, not knowing what to say. I looked over at Jasper to see him looking at something in complete and unadulterated shock. I followed his eyes to who I already knew I would, someone we promised never to see again. This cannot be happening, this was not supposed to happen, and I did not see this. Why did I not I see this?

Bella's POV

I just stood there staring at him, in some trance that I could not snap out of. I cannot let this happen, I cannot, I just can't. Somehow, I found the willpower to break out of the trance and sprint out of the school and into the forest, never stopping, not knowing where I was going. I wanted to die, with all of the memories flooding back. There was too many, I could not stand it, not anymore, for once in my life, I let go, and it all went black.

Ron's POV

I just stood there like an idiot, waiting for something, some sign that she hear me, just something. I said her nickname again, "Ali Bear?"

It seemed she snapped out of her thoughts and started to somewhat understand everything around her again. I looked beside her to see someone I didn't recognize from the introductions earlier and I realized it must be her mate. I growled a little in my throat, the over protective brother gene kicking in.

"Ronny?" Ugh, I hated that nickname.

"I said not to call me that." I replied.

Coming fully out of shock she replied, "Yeah well I told you not to call me Mary." She said giving me a playful glare.

"True, holy shit how is this real? I mean you should be dead." I stated.

"Big bro I think you got that the other way around." She smirked.

"No way, I left first I was turned first, there's just no way." That is when I remembered Bella. I turned around looking for her, and then I became alarmed. Where did she go? I turned around and looked at Alice. "Did you see Bella go?" I asked her.

"Wait, Who?" She looked very confused. She looked at the man beside her who had still not moved an inch, even though he had a painful look on his face.

"Isabella Binkley, My girlfriend, we have been a coven for about 100 years now. We have been together for about 2 years." I said a little confused.

My baby sister looked at me with an emotion I could not read on her face. "We have to find her before he does." The man looks like he is about to go crazy. "She can't get hurt, not her." He pleads with Alice.

She looks at me and says, "We have to get the rest of the family, better late then never."

Edward's POV

I sensed something was wrong when Alice and Jasper did not show up to history. It was their favorite class, because it was funny watching Jasper get worked up because of the Northern Supporter Teacher we had. Alice would have messaged me anyways, but it had been 30 minutes since class had started and they still had not shown up and she hadn't answered any of my texts. I needed to talk to them about why they had been acting so weird lately; I still had not figured it out. I wonder how Bella is; she was even more beautiful in real life. I need to talk to her, if only she was not dating that person. At least it looks like he cares about her.

I heard Alice's jumbled thoughts and look up at the door. Her thoughts were everywhere they were very confusing; I didn't even try to decipher them. She and Jasper walked in and I focused on Jasper's thoughts, but all I received was pictures of Bella, memories of Bella.

"What the Hell?" I looked up when I realized I said that aloud and everyone was looking at me. Alice said something to Mr. Garner and he said I could leave. I grabbed my stuff and walked quickly to the front where Alice and Jasper were impatiently waiting.

"What is going on?" I whispered as we walked out the door. I wanted to know what was going on, that had them so freaked out.

"We will explain to you on the way." Said a voice from a person I had not seen earlier.

"We have to get Emmett and Rosalie." Jasper said, trying to go faster. We showed up at Emmett and Rosalie's classroom. I walked inside, and went to Mrs. Corter's desk. "Hello Mrs. Corter, but I'm afraid I need Emmett and Rosalie, you see we have a family emergency at home, and we need to get home immediately." I told her slightly dazzling her to hurry up the process.

"Oh yes ok. Rosalie? Emmett? Grab your things and come up here please?" She called to the love birds making out in the back of the room. They were up here a little too fast though.

"Wow that was fast." She mutters under her breath.

"Yes, Mrs. Courter?" Rosalie asked her, surprisingly somewhat nice.

"It seems you have a family emergency at home, hope everything is ok. Bye now." She says and turns back to the classroom and resumes teaching.

"What is this all about? Cause' I know everything is fine at home." Rosalie says, beating Emmett to it.

"I have no idea; they are going to explain it on the way." I tell her.

"On the way to where?" Emmett says getting a sentence in.

"I have no idea, their thoughts are too jumbled." I say irritated.

We start running towards the woods following Bella's scent, Jasper in the front with Ron trailing behind him a little bit. This can't be happening, this cannot happen because of me, not again. I told her I wouldn't let this happen. Jasper's thoughts, though readable were confusing. What the hell did that mean?

No no no, NO! This cannot be happening. We told her we would never interfere we couldn't risk it. We couldn't afford to lose each other. Alice's thoughts were in the same category as Jasper's. Confusing and not making me anymore happier about this.

Hope you liked it cause I love you guys! Cause your my little ducklings! Comment and Vote please! You know you want to...You know it :D

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