Blood shed~

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As I sit in the field I hear gunfire everywhere I turn. I take out 3 men with my hand gun and 5 with my knife. A guy comes up behind me and grabs me by my neck. I laugh and his pathetic attempt of taking me out. I throw my head back quickly and hit him in the jaw. He falls back and stumbles to his feet. He looks at the mask over my eyes and the black face makeup running down my left eye. He hears me laugh hysterically.
He slightly shivers, but then it turns into anger. He runs at me. I just take one slight step to the side as he changes direction to come towards me again. I say to myself  "ugh your determined aren't u?" I grab my knife quickly and put it on my chest, blade sticking out the opposite direction for my chest. He runs right into it. He falls in pain as the knife goes deep in his chest almost reaches his heart. I push him to the ground. I walk to him as he is on his back using his elbows and feet to bush backwards away. I step on his foot as he yells in agony. I say " pathetic. I would think I would fight a real man in a match. But it seems I've ran into a little boy once again. Tsk tsk tsk. Well any last words?" The man looks up at me in fear. He slowly gets his words out as he says " I hope.... U rot in... hell" soon as he says that your push the knife deeper so it reaches his heart. The man coughs up blood and I watch as the life slowly fade out his eyes.... Just like I did when I couldn't do anything for my first team... and my family. All I could do was sit and look at the bloody hands I used to try and save them. As I think of that I feel alone. I use the knife to engrave a X on his chest. Like a brand. Your brand. Marks that u have been here. You take his dog tag and turn to walk down the field. I feel emotions running through my veins as I snap back to reality. I look around for my team. You see one of your teammates bleeding out quietly, calling out for help. You run to him as he slide on your knees and meet the side of him. "J..." you say slowly knowing what's about to happen. He looks at you and can't get his words out. You see his struggle and say "sh it's okay J. Just let go it's ok. Don't be scared." You hold his head up and you hold your hand on his eyes as u feel the life slowly leave his body. A tear falls down your cheek. You slowly take his dog tag and put some of his blood on your hand. You wipe it on your bandanna. As you get to your feet you listen for any survivors. It's quite. U feel the breeze in your hair and the emptiness come over you. You stop crying and u just look up. You grab your radio and u say "it's over... no survivors." General Shepherd response. "What! Your whole team is dead?" You reply with emptiness in your voice "yes sir" General Shepherd says " a chopper is coming to pick you up now stay put" your don't respond.


Soon a chopper shows up, landing with a bump. You hop in slowly and your head points at your feet. The ride is quiet, but quick. Soon you arrive at the base. You hop out the chopper with the greeting of General Shepherd. He says " Mustang. This is the second team you've lost." You say with a rough voice " I know.." he looks at you, your blood cover face, blood dripping from your arms. He says " go get cleaned up and meet me in my office." you head in quickly, making your way to your room. You take a quick shower. Soon you're sitting in front of Gerald Shepherd. He says " you're a strong woman, it seems your way, stronger than the men that I have, here. So I am moving you to the task force 141." You look up. The name rings in your head. It sounds so familiar. You remember it's the team with only the most experienced on it. You say still with emptiness in your voice,"thank u sir" but u do feel a little excited. He nods to you and says." it's affective immediately, so get your stuff. The plane is already here." You give him a quick nod and get your stuff quickly, running out to the plane and saluting General Shepherd. He nods and smiles. Soon you're already halfway there. It seems you're going to Mexico, because it was circled on the map across from u.

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