New team~

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The plane lands with a bump. The back door opens to the plane and you step out the sun hot on your skin. You eyes meet a man with a cigar between his lips. When he sees you, he blows the smoke out of his mouth. He nods and says "welcome I've heard they called u mustang. It says it one your files." You nod and say with a little bit of anger in your voice,"great you read my file, so now you know how I got the name and why I'm so valued" he nods and says " that's why you're here. Because everyone here is valued just like you. This is why this is elite force. We only get the best of the best. So you'll fit right in." he gestures to the car, telling you to get in. You slowly get in the car as it drives away.
Soon you see a huge bass in the distance. "Wow" you say with a impressed voice. "Nice base cap" he looks over to you and laughs "this base is nothin" his strong accent starts to show. The car comes to a halt as you're already in front of the base. General Pierce steps out of the car so you do the same. As you slowly walk into the base, you hear whispers. You look over to Pierce with a confused look. He looks at you and says. Everyone knows you here. You do a quick laugh to yourself " I must have gained a reputation" Pierce says,"yea you have" pierce calls out to everyone to meet him in the meeting room. Soon the room is full of soldiers. You noticed one with a mask on with the scull on it. His dark eyes make eye contact with you. You fiercely hold your face his direction showing that your making eye contact, you can see his eyes, but he can't see yours. until you hear Pierce's voice. " everyone. This is Mustang. Everyone in here should know by now who she is. She is to be respected. Tomorrow we will do training, just to see what she's got." I look at him, letting out a quiet chuckle. Pierce dismisses the meeting and waves over a man. About three feet taller than u. Pierce says " soap show Mustang to her room."Soap nods and looks at you. He reaches out his hand to shake yours. He says "nice to meet ya" you I firmly grip his hand in the shake. It takes him by surprise. He says as we are walking to a door " you seem strong" you nod to him and say "thank u for walking me" he nods back to you as you walk into your room. It's clean. It seems to actually have a nice bed compared to the one you used to have. I put my stuff down. You pull your eye mask down and look in the mirror. You look at your tired eyes and the scar that falls across your right eye. Dried tears stain your face. As you look at yourself you feel the memories rushing back. You shiver to the feeling. You hear a sound, quickly, pulling the mask of your eyes and being on high alert u realise it's just knocking. You open the door, it's soap looking at you. He says "we are eating dinner if you want to join?" You nod and follow him to the kitchen, the table surrounded by chairs with men in them. You see the masked guy. Ghost you think because of the mask. You have heard about him but never realised it was him. You sit down and Pierce greets you. Soap places a plate in front of you. He says with a playful tone "here you go eat up" I say "thank you" trying to not show my brokenness. I look down at the food and swallow. You notice ghost looking at you with his blank brown eyes. Pierce looks at you and says "mustang are you gonna eat..?" You still looking down say "not really that hungry" when you haven't eaten sense you left your other base. He nods ok. You stand and walk back to your room silently. Are you lay down and slowly collapse from exhaustion.

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