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You slowly wake up to your alarm blaring. You get up quickly and get dressed. Fix your white hair into a high ponytail. You open your door to see soap welcoming you out. He says "are you ready?" You Nod your head as you and soap make your way to the training field. Pierce welcoming you and naming out the opponents are going out first. It's you and soap first. You two get in the ring. Can you give him a hand motion to come at your first. He sprints at you. You grab his arm,  and sling him over your body. causing him to land on his back. Then he swings his leg under your feet causing you to lose balance. You fall down but get back up quick. You two walk in a circle staring at each other. Then you quickly make the first move. You manoeuvre and grab his arm, pulling it to you right in flinging your right leg over his neck. Your leg swings around his neck, the sudden weight change causes him to lose balance. You have both your legs around his shoulders as he falls face first. You restrain his arm behind his back so if he makes any sudden moves, it will pop out of socket. You stand up with your foot on his arm behind his back. You look down at him and laugh. Pushing down harder till he taps out. Soap soon surrenders and you let go of the pressure and help him up. Pierce says "wow I'm impressed, I've never seen you in action. It's really amazing." You do a slight smile and soap looks at you "I've never seen you smile" he says. You quickly stop smiling. He laughs and says "your sure strong to be so short" you look over at him and say " could've killed you if I wanted to" you say that jokingly, but you make it look serious. You see the fear slightly come to his eyes. You laugh. "Im just pullin your leg, you're funny looking when your scared." You say. Pierce says " Mustang, your next opponent is ghost" your look over in ghost direction, he still has blank eyes but the mask makes it look a lil scary. That's probably what he uses to scare his enemies. Ghost walks in front of you, towning over you. Your have to look all the way up to see his face. You guess he's about 7'0 or 6'8 at the least. He looks down at you. He looks like he's struggling trying to read your next move. That's what's good about having a mask over your eyes. It prevents people from knowing your next move. You two start going at it. Soon you finally get him to the ground. Straddling him with your thighs, choking him. With him being bigger than you, he quickly flips over. You land hard on your back with a grunt. He put his hand on your throat and chokes you. You start laughing hysterically. He looks at you with confused eyes. You mumble out the words "I... laugh In the... face..... of... death" his eyes grow intense. It's been two minutes and you haven't tapped out yet. You tried to get out of his grasp, but he just tightened it. You sit there smiling. But now you can feel the blood stop flowing to your head. You feel lightheaded. But you still choose not to tap out. He sees that your grip is loosening on him. He tapped out for you and the round is over. You lay their breathing. A single tear drops down your cheek from how spicy the air taste, when it flows back into your lungs. " are you okay?" Ghost asks with his hand out. You sit up and take his hand. Nod your head and say in a raspy voice "yea". " why did you just sit there? Why weren't you scared?" Ghost asks confused. You rub your neck and say "I'm not scared of death. I've been near death so many times that I basically shake hands with the grim Reaper. I usually get out of situations like that, but you're a stronger opponent? I've never thought someone would beat me." Ghosts eyes scan your face. "Respect" your hear him say. "Huh" you say confused. "I respect you, you and me are a lot a like, I've read your files." You look away. All you can do is nod. Pierce suddenly interferes with the awkward conversation " alright that's all for today. Everyone go and get some good sleep" as you walk away you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn to see ghost. You slightly cock, your head and confusion. "Good job today mustang." He says quite impressed. You nod your head and say "thank you, your not that bad either" you sound quite impressed as well. But you slowly lose that tone remembering that you shouldn't praise him when he's the one who beat you. The only person you have praised is yourself. But I guess I need to step out of my comfort zone. Next thing you know you're in your room. You slowly get in your bed and lay looking at the roof. You realise the mask man is in the back your mind. Why am I thinking about him? This is so weird? As you get lost in your thoughts, you slowly fall asleep without realising it.

More coming soon! if y'all like it Let me know cause I'll continue if y'all like the story if not then idk. I've been writing for like 3 hour and I'm so tired. I'm so sorry!

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