First mission~

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I wake up sore from the training yesterday. Soon when I get up I hear banging on my door. I shoot up and open the door in my oversized hoodie. It's soap. "We have a emergency mission to save someone" soap says with a worried tone. He rushes down the hall to the other doors as I run back in my room and get dressed. I rush down the hall to the living room and everyone is in a group. Pierce says, "finally now I can tell y'all what's happening". "So we have one of our fellow acquaintances captured and we need to find them. They are said to be in a secure base about 4 hours away. It's surrounded by guards. If we leave now we can make it." Everyone takes that remark seriously and runs out to the vehicles. I end up getting the vehicle with soap and ghost and Pierce. I'm forced in the middle between ghost and soap. They are clearly way bigger than me, so I'm kind of smashed but I'm small so that helps.
Now we are an hour in to the car ride and I feel tired, being between two huge men makes me feel safe. As I struggle to keep my eyes open, I soon fall asleep. Not knowing how long I was asleep I wake up to a jolt in the car, we hit a bump I think. I feel my head is leaning on something. I look around for a second and I am leaning on ghosts chest. I quickly lean up looking at him. He looks back. I say quickly "I'm so sorry" he looks at me and nods his head "it's ok" I hear soaps voice say "u were drooling, u must have slept good." He laughs. I wipe my mouth thinking I actually did and I felt nothing. I punch him in the arm. "Oh shut up you cunt." My face gets a light pink. I rub my eyes, "how long Pierce" I say groggily. He says "about 20 mins" I sigh as I zone  out looking out the window. I come back by feeling a nudge to my arm. It's ghost. "Earth to mustang" he says in a calm voice. "Oh are we here" I say a little in edge. He nods. We all get out with our guns in front of us. Everyone has surrounded the place. Now we are just waiting for the green light. Pierce presses the button on his radio. "Green go, I repeat green go" he says as he rushes into the fire fight. I feel kinda worried and that's what worries me. I never feel worried. I'm behind everyone as I feel a hit to the back of my head. "Ah" I turn around tubing my head and a guard is there. I pull my knife out and run at him. I slide on my side under his feet causing him to fall. I put him in a chokehold and stab is neck as hard as I can. Blood spatters across my face. Ha I've felt this feeling before. Excitement. I stand up and grab my knife. I soon catch up and soap says "where ya been—" he looks at my face. "Woah are u ok?!" I feel the blood drip from my face and head. " oh I'm fine the blood on my face is from a guard and the blood on my head is from getting hit." I laugh. Soap looks concerned as I laugh at that. "DUCK" Pierce yells at me. I grab so and duck and a bullet flys over our heads and breaks a window. I let out a relieved sigh. Soap says "that was a wee to close" I nodded. I grabbed my gun and said "I'm going after him". Without pierces permission. Soap yells "mustang no it's too dangerous!" Ofc I didn't listen. I made my way across to the other building. I walk in and see two guards. I silently kill both. Blood dripping from my face and head I walk up to the floor where it came from. I see him. I run at him and I stab him but soon as I do I heard a noise. Sounds like... shit it's gas. The windows shut and the door locks. "FUCK" I yell. Comms go off. "Mustang are u ok?!? The windows just shut and locked!" I reply with "there's... *coughs* fucking... gas.." Pierce says "we're coming!". "NO" I yell back. "Go get the hostage I'll be fine!" Pierce says "no we are coming l" I yell "PIERCE PLEASE ILL BE *coughs* FINE." Pierce says "fine we will be there soon tho" the comms go quiet. I cough. I rip off a piece of my shirt and wet it with some water I had In my belt. I put it over my mouth. This will help for at least 10 mins but I've inhaled to much. I laugh to hide my fear. 20 mins passes and I'm trying to hold on. My eyes are heavy. There's a bang on the door. The lock just got shot off. The door busts open. Soap and ghost rush in with masks on. Ghost has one in his hand. He gets down next to me. He says "your so dumb" I laugh then start coughing. He has worried eyes as he quickly puts my mask on. He helps me up but my legs give out. He catches me. I say "it must have been tranquilizing gas...shit" he looks at me and has no clue what I'm talking about. He puts his arms under my legs and back, he lifts me up. I feel small as he carries me to the car. We soon end up back at base and he walks me to my room. He lays me down gently and tucks me in. He walks to the door and I say before he walks out "ghost." He looks back at me "hm" he says. I say "thank u" he nods and closes the door. I think about him as I look at the roof. I slowly drift off to sleep feeling exhausted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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