2: Bloody birds

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Darkness had surrounded the castle and the crescent moon glowed like the sun, brightly. Ana was sat in the dinner hall at the table, which was a golden, wood and marble mix. It was dotted with fruit, bread, more vegetables and other forms of food.

The chairs were uncomfortable with no cushion. The reason Ana complained was because the seat was made of pure gold and, a little secret, is it's not that comfortable to sit on. Yet the whole family sat silently eating their dinner. A deconstructed and glammed up fish, potatoes and broccoli with a cheese sauce. Delicious as usual and the chef had done it again she thought as she stuffed more in her mouth. There was not complete silence in the room yet it was silent enough to be ridiculously awkward. The sounds of cutlery scrapping the plates like nails on a chalkboard.

Ana's mother and her locked eyes as Ana gave her a weak smile through the food she had stuffed in her mouth. Her mother smiled back almost saddened. She then broke the awkward silence looking at her brother "Gregor, I expect you to take care of your little sister on her first few days at school. Show her around the castle, you know how nervous she gets," she said looking somehow beautiful as usual. Cinderella. She was sat with her blonde hair tamed in a classic and smooth bun on top of her head. Her dress was a pale yellow, which to others dismay was her favourite colour. Not pale blue sadly. A small tiara, jewelled and shining, sat upon her head as she dined.

"Mother, I am sure she is more then capable of doing that herself," Gregor replied timidly. A boy, basically a man in about a month but she didn't want to think about that. He had ginger short hair, alittle curly yet no where near as wavy as hers. He was much paler then Ana with soft freckles dotted around his face. He hated that school and failed to hide it. He looked over at Ana and smiled before shoving another piece of broccoli in his mouth.

"And she is not nervous," Father demanded not looking up from his dinner. Mother looked at him as she usually did, like she'd given up on him. So much for love at first sight. "She will go to that school and make our family proud. Then hopefully everyone will forget what happened last year with Gregor's fails," he said in a argumentative tone looking up at Gregor from his dinner but not moving his head, like a Kubrick stare. Less threatening. Gregor responded by lowering his head in shame "And Gregor you will be responsible for Anastasia. End of,"

Gregor paused his movements further as Ana looked over at him. "Father I'm sure it was not that bad as Greg-" Ana started before she was cut off

"No! Gregor made a fool of us last year and if anything were to happen to you our reputation would be down the drain. Do you understand?" He said almost shouting in an angry tone. Ana was not actually sure what he was so angry about.

"No I don't father. I don't think I do understand," she stated leaving the room silent. All eyes were all of a sudden we're on her, even the servants who lined the edges of the room. Talking of she signalled one over to fill up her glass with water as they did she spoke "I am more then capable to look after myself," she took a drink from her now full glass of white wine as she smiled and nodded at the man as a thank you. She did love her servants some times "Surely after the deans visit you have more faith in me. Professor Dovey said I would start the term strong and above everyone,"

"Ana it's not we don't have faith in you and your academic achievements. Your father worries for you as the school is not what you expect," Cinderella said as Ana's father sat in a state of shock. Probably because she talked back to him. Ana responded with frowning her eyebrows in confusion to Cinderella's statement "The school is madness, especially in the lunch rooms if it is still how I remember it. Evil and good in the same room. You can imagine the fights occurring,"

Ana laughed imagining the fights of all the lands favourite villains and heroes. Not real fights, silly school playground fights with everyone chanting fight fight fight fight! She giggled before she spoke "I can take care of myself mother. I appreciate your concern yet I'm not just a princess I have many more skills then you-" She started before she was cut off

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