23: Magic Of Great Power

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Authors note: sorry going through a tough time atm so writing is tough but finally got motivation. Hope you enjoy tho.

Ana walked down the hall still pissed off at the embarrassment of almost being kill in class and then not. The fact the teacher sided with the, almost, murderer says enough about this school. She swiftly walked down the hall thanking the fact that it was now break. It wasn't long before she got back up to her dorm but not before everyone gave the princess a dirty look. She wasn't crying yet she was saving that for her dorm. Yet all she showed was how she felt defeated, her ranking wasn't helping her either. It glowed in a bright red light even though it was sown into her jacket. 227 showcased for everyone to see. Many giggled and pointed at the princess knowing she was to fail and probably turn into a mogrif by the end of the third year.

Everyone whispered about her and maybe what landed her that place. How a princess wouldn't make it in this school yet maybe they were right, she thought. Maybe she really didn't belong her. Yes her friend were lovely but these weren't her people, she was an evil scheming villain.

"Goin somewhere princess," Chris yelled from behind as Ana ran off to her dorm.

"Princesses don't drop their G's Chris," Ana yelled back in a petty mood. If everyone wanted to make fun of her then sod them all. It wasn't long before the rooms door became visible. She quickly walked towards the door almost feeling the tears streaming down her down her face before she'd even touched the door knob.

It was then the door disappeared and Ana just paused Are you fucking kidding me?! I swear this castle has a mind of its own. It was then she realised it wasn't the castle all on its own. She watched as a phantom appeared next to her, a few feet away. Glowing red per usual and standing, or well hovering, still.

"Let me into my fucking dorm before I bash your head in!" She screamed before tears were uncontrollably flowing down her face. "Let me in!"

The phantom only pointed to where to door had been and as Ana turned back it appeared. She rolled her eyes and entered her dorm. She put her books down on her desk, in front of the mirror, and sat in the chair in front of it. Ana looked into the mirror before she started bawling and covered her face. She thought of everyone's faces and what they'd said. What rumours were probably being spread right now. Ana thought she wouldn't be surprised if her ranking went down just from that. She lifted her head up and looked into the mirror. The glowing phantom stood behind her and when she turned it remained still in place.

"What do you want?!" She yelled through her tears "IM NOT SOPHIE! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

It was all quiet, silent even before a small voice spoke "I know you're not," it was an unfamiliar yet familiar voice.

"Why do you keep tormenting me then?! What is the point? Genuinely! It's getting boring and less scary as the weeks go on," She said as her sobs calmed and it was just genuine defeat in her voice. "Of anything it's annoying-"

"Because I wanted to help," The thing spoke still in a quiet tone. Although it never usually moved, this time it did. It moved towards the girl with a slow walk, with feet planted on the floor. Not hovering or levitating, just walking. "You seem desperate and I want to try to help you,"

"Oh please I'm not desperate, just broken and lost. I know the difference very well," Ana laughed as her eyes watered again yet no tears fell. "I don't know how to control my powers, I'm a school joke. Haha I'm not even a class joke I am the school joke. For fucks sake... what has my life come to?"

"I can help you," it replied

"How can you help? You're literally a ghost that has nothing better to do then follow me around," Ana laughed again as she realised it couldn't possibly help. Yet by its presence she felt as if maybe she was wrong.

"Come here," it put its hand out. Fingers that were blacked out as it faded up each of them revealing the skin at the top. Ana took its hand thinking what could be the worst thing. She was far too reckless to care of the outcomes. She stood as their hands connected. "Let my show you,"

"Please don't be weird," Ana said as she frowned her eyebrows and turned her nose up in disgust.

The spirit though for a second then let out a confused "What?"

"Usually when men say that it does not end well. Also I can tell your a man cause your fingernails are filthy," Ana said pointing at his dirt riddled nails, leaving the phantom puzzled.

"Will you shut up? This was meant to be like a dramatic moment," It asked before Ana nodded. The spirit shook his head and started over. He lifted his arm up around shoulder height to reveal his hands covered in what looked like blood. It looked familiar to what she'd seen in Dovey's office before whatever happened. It covered his hand then leapt off of his hand and connected to Ana's. It suffocated Ana as it travelled around her neck, up her arms, around her waist and into her hair. She panicked at the feeling of being powerless whatever the spirit was doing left Ana in no right to power. "Don't fight it. I'm trying to help,"

"By suffocating me!" Ana exclaimed as her hands travelled around her neck to loose what was tied around it. Yet there was nothing but the magic of which moved to only go back into place. It circled her arms and moved down her legs before she fell back into the desk. She caught herself before laying her eyes on the phantom again.

"Relax yourself Miss Charming," The spirit said before Ana closed her eyes and breathed. Her shoulders relaxed slightly and her clenched jaw loosened. It was then the magic absorbed into her and her eyes lit up in a red flamed colour. It was a dangerous power but the power made it that much more interesting, exhilarating and thrilling. Adrenaline ran through her veins and gave her a hot flush up her body.

"What is it?" She asked and more of it absorbed into her body. "It looks like Blood magic,"

"Yes it is Blood magic my dear," The spirit explained "Despite what you may have heard it is perfectly safe,"

"I find that hard to believe but I now know why it's so addicting," It ran through her veins and as the last bit absorbed her golden hair turned a shade darker. Now a more dirty straw colour. "And you underestimate me,"

The phantom gave the girl a puzzled look as the rest of the magic set into her. Her eyes continued glowing mere minutes after she had absorbed it. It was then she smiled at the spirit.

"I have studied dark magic. Long before I ever got to this school. I remember hiding it from my family, staff and visitors. Until Lady Lesso made a surprising visit to the castle, while it was still there. She was accompanied by Professor Dovey. I talked for hours with Lady Lesso about my queries of such magic, yet she never had answers," Ana looked at her hand to command a flame of which appeared stronger than ever. The magic had not just given her an ego but also full control. "Now I have the answers I'm looking for," she examined the flame till she extinguished it by closing her hand. She looked up at the spirit for a response.

"Not all the answers yet my dear. You have to learn to control it. Go to your classes, study well and" it was then wolves howled to show the end of the break "go and show them you're not a princess in need of saving. Instead your a villain who knows what she wants, needs. Show them you are stronger then they'll ever know,"

With that the spirit disappeared but yet so did a piece of her soul that day. She will never be herself again. That naive princess has come far yet, even a villain would question, is it too far?

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