25: Are You Mental?!

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It wasn't long before Chris caught up to Ana, who was in Evil's hall eating her snack from the supper hall. There was no way to know what Chris really felt as she didn't even know herself. Yet all she knew is she needed to do something and warn Ana about that magic. She couldn't be wrong, right?

Chris grabbed Ana's shoulder and spinned her around before said in a hushed angry tone "Where'd ya get the magic? Where'd it come from?"

"Chris you know a princess-"

"No. Where did the magic come from?" Chris cut off Ana and smacked the snack she had away from her mouth. It landed on the floor beside her.

"Oi! That was mine you-," Ana didn't finish her sentence before she slapped Chris. Little did Chris know the anger boiling inside Ana. It was like her blood would turn to hot, lava like stuff. It curse rage as she stamped on Chris' foot.

"Fuck!" Chris yelped but not before she made a swift recovery. Ana took a swift right hook to the jaw. One of which made her jaw accidentally slam down onto her lip, causing it to break and the blood to roll down her chin. Chris grabbed her blazer and pushed her into an empty corridor. Chris slammed Ana into the wall and held her there. "Why did you do that?"

"I'm hungry and you just gave the floor my food," Ana lied knowing the new anger she had felt recently was starting to take its effects.

"Where did you get that?" Chris asked

"If you wanted food you could have fucking asked me!"

"Not the food you idiot! The magic! Where did you get the magic?"

"It's part of my power," Ana lied as she smiled at Chris still trying to shrug her off. "I didn't really think about it,"

"Well you should and I know you're lying. Don't lie to me," Chris raised her voice slightly but lowered it when there was movement at the end of the corridor. Luckily whoever it was didn't move towards the girls. Yet Chris was still careful with her words "I know what it is,"

"Chris it's really not a big deal. It's just a little something I-"

"No," Chris interrupted again "It is a big deal. Do you have any idea what that magic did to my father. No matter how much I hate him, I still pity him,"

Ana paused as she heard about Chris' father. Smee wasn't it? She was sure yet she decided to address the situation with caution, when did Chris ever talk about anything this close to her. Or well at least around Ana. "No. I have no idea what happened,"

"That doesn't matter what happened. My point is it's blood magic," Chris exclaimed

"I know!" Ana said finally getting Chris off of her blazer and creating some space between the two of them. There was a silence for a second. Ana adjusted her uniform as they looked at each other. Chris stared into Ana's green eyes only for her stomach to go crazy. Chris was going to wonder what that feeling was before Ana spoke "I have read about it," that was a lie. She'd read the start of the chapter but never got to the part about what it really does, the effects and you know, all the good stuff. If only she had her book. "I'll be fine,"

"Are you mental?" Chris said through her teeth.

"I told you it's fin-,"

"It turns any sane person mad within days. If not mad then evil beyond return," Chris explained

"Doesn't everyone what to be evil though?" Ana asked tapping the blood from her lip, staining her uniform cuff. "Isn't that just the goal anyway?"

"Not like that," Chris paused to think about her next words carefully. Then she finally pieced them together. Enough to tell Ana what she needed to know but wouldn't scare her too much "Evil beyond return sends you into a mad, stone cold killer. You won't realise till it's too late,"

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly that," Chris said plainly, going back to her normal demeanour. "I don't care if you want to get into that type of magic. Just don't get caught. It's highly-"

"Illegal?!" Ana exclaimed as she panicked

"No! I mean yes in most circumstances. Yet with the amount you have no one will notice, many Lady Lesso. Definitely hide that from her," Chris said before starting to leave. "Ana?"

"Yep," Ana said turning to her as she adjusted herself again. Pushing her short hair, or what she could of it, behind her ears, and adjusting her uniform again.

"Don't get kicked out of school. I won't help you if you do," Chris said "Oh and if you keep burning off your hair, please dye it black. It's starting go darker," Chris smirked at her and left Ana in the hall. Not just with a busted lip but a dilemma of what to do? She loved the power, the power loved her. Yet was it right? Did she care if it made her eviler?

Chris on the other hand was also left with a dilemma of which she'd never faced before. That feeling when she looked into her eyes, it felt weird. Comforting and nice yet weird. What was this feeling and why did she have an immediate response to hide it?

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