26: Powers I Will Never Match

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It had been around 20 minutes before all the Nevers were called to their last lesson of the day. Usually Ana and her friends had history but today they had a study period. They all decided to go outside to the gardens of evil, as it was empty and the weather was nice. Not sunny but the wind was still as strong as earlier but it wasn't too cold. They were all sat near the dried out stone fountain. Raven sat in the fountains bowl, as it was empty, playing with her pet dragon. Watching and helping it fly and eat. Chris was sat on the ledge near Raven starring at her hands, she'd been acting off since the encounter with Ana.

Maybe she regretted it Ana thought sitting on the floor next to Jay who was invested in a book he was studying for Lesso's quiz at the end of the week. Hazel got the short end of the stick and sadly doesn't have many classes with us. Yet hung out with us when she could.

"So how old is he?" Ana asked Raven as she brought her knees to her chest to rest her head on them.

"He is around 3-4 months old yet in dragon years he's probably 2 going onto 3 years old," She explained, feeding him another piece of meat from her pocket. The only question Ana wouldn't ask was what the meat was.

"Oh, that's cool," Ana responded dryly drawing circles on the floor. "Oh god this is boring,"

"Tell me about it," Jay said finally lifting his head from the book "I've been staring at this page forever and I can't remember a thing!"

"Yeh, Lesso always seems to be too harsh," Raven said now leaning on the edge of the fountain, watching Adam, the dragon, wander across the edge and carefully fly down.

"No, I think there is something else behind it," Ana said. Everyone turned their heads towards the princess in confusion, all except Chris. She was who knows where. "Probably got something to do with the fact Dovey doesn't want to talk to her anymore,"

"What?" Jay questioned with a laugh "The women hate each other,"

"Is that what you think?" Ana laughed petting Adam who was coming closer to her. Adam ended up sitting under her lifted knees, like it was a tent, and falling asleep slowly. Adam, unlike a few weeks ago, was now the size of a small cat. Raven could still fit him in her blazer but, at this rate, not for long. "You have no idea what I've walked in on,"

Jay and Raven exchanged looks before looking at Ana. Ana didn't lift her head up from the dragon. Jay finally broke the silence after registering what Ana had said "I'm sorry, go back... you walked in on what!?"

"I'm not meant to say," Ana laughed covering her smile with her free hand.

"Bitch you better spill," Jay said.

"Ok but you didn't hear it from me, and you don't tell anyone," Ana said before Raven and Jay nodded so quickly. Ana explained how she'd walked in on a... heated moment between the deans around a month ago. She didn't know how she kept it that long but to be fair she'd been so caught up in everything, it was impossible to keep up with everything. Raven, Jay and Chris' mouths hung open. Chris had been intrigued from the moment Ana said "heated moment". She too was astounded.

"WHAT!" Jay yelled smirking

"Shush or she'll hear you," Ana said trying to hush her friend

"YOUR TELLING ME LADY LESSO AN-," Jay continued to yelled before Ana covered his mouth.

"No, seriously you can't tell anyone," Ana said holding his hand on his mouth. He mumbled something to which Ana replied "I did say not to yell bloody murder,"

Jay pushed her away from him "but like, surely this changes everything,"

"Yes it should but," Ana paused before she continued turning to the rest of the group too "I kinda sent them on a little adventure around the castle to find a spirit that kept following me. Ever since they have been distant and cold from each other. Lady Lesso just seems heartbroken, Dovey just seems like she's ignoring her,"

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