'the armies assemble'

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The small group left the Ardonian meeting area a bit worried, especially Thalleous. He sighed to keep himself calm, but it didn't work. Thalleous's breathing became faster and heavier the more he thought about the Voltaris.

Lily looked at Thalleous with concern. She slowly approached Thalleous and gave him a tight hug, Thalleous, for some reason, bursted into tears as he wrapped his arms around Lily. Luna stroked his back to calm him down, "it's okay Thalleous...They believe you now..." Luna said reassuringly. Thalleous cried as his face sank onto Lily's shoulder, Hawken sighed and patted his fellow's back, but he didn't say a word, Hawken barely spoke ever since the incident. It was quite surprising to Thalleous because Hawken always talked nonstop.

Lily gently rubbed his back as Thalleous wiped the snow-white tears from his face. He slowly got up as he towered over everyone. It's common knowledge that the more powerful males were taller, especially Thalleous, he's one of the tallest Ardoni around!

Thalleous stretched as Luna stared endlessly at him, Zulius smirked, the short deputy patted Luna in the shoulder for attention, "you like him, don't you?" He whispered, Luna nodded slightly as she looked down, then she held her tail for comfort. Oxtail Mendoris walked out of the meeting area with a threatening gleam in his eyes, ''we are going to assemble an army to ambush the Voltaris, I'd go and rest up at Sendaria if I were you Thalleous'' Oxtail grumbled, Thalleous nodded then he looked at Lily, ''Even though I'm half Ardoni, and I'm Sendaris, I've never been to Sendaria before!'' Lily said with a warm smile on her face, everyone chuckled apart from Oxtail, he just grumbled and walked away a little hunchbacked.


Thalleous's tail swished as he reached Sendaria, Lily shifted from side-to-side excitedly as her gaze landed on Sendaria, Timber stopped as Thalleous hopped off him, he walked forwards and saw one Clanless Ardoni and one Sendarian Ardoni training. Suddenly, the Clanless male descended onto his knees with a warm smile, ''Ria Sendaris?'' The male started, ''Yes..?'' the female replied, ''I made you something, I know it's not the most beautiful weapon in Sendaria but-''

''Senn! This is incredible! I love it!'' The young girl started to use her new spear as she turned to the male concerned, ''if father sees this he's going to take it away...''

''Then I'll make you another one'' the male said with a grin, Ria smiled softly before twisting and turning the spear in her hands, ''wanna try it out?'' Senn asked with a grin, ''of course! Now I'm going to DESTROY you with a weapon like this!'' Senn got into a stance before Ria jumped towards him, but, Thalleous blocked the attack with his own blade, ''Thalleous?!''

''Our strength comes from not the power of our weapons...but rather, how we choose to wield what power we have been given'' Thalleous said wisely as he put his blade away, Lily walked towards Thalleous before tripping over Timber's hoof, Lily went tumbling down the small hill before landing beside Thalleous with a grunt, ''OW! THAT REALLY HURT!'' Lily complained, Thalleous laughed seeing Lily lift her head up, ''You okay Lily?'' He laughed as he offered his hand to help her up, Lily grabbed Thalleous's hand firmly as she got up. Senn and Ria looked at Lily as their heads tilted to the side curiously, ''oh, Senn and Ria? This is my friend, Lily'' Thalleous patted Lily's back as she grumbled, ''h-hello!'' Lily stammered embarrassed, ''Nice to meet you Lily!'' Senn bowed politely towards her as Ria looked at her amazed, ''WOAH! You look so cool! I've never seen a Hybrid before! What shall I call your species..? aha! Ardum! No, Humani!'' Ria tried thinking of a new species, ''no, it's okay! Just call me a 'Hybrid'. We wouldn't want to get all mundle-Jumbled on thinking of a new species!'' Lily giggled, ''Is this your handy work Senn?'' Thalleous asked surprised as Ria handed him the Spear.

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