'Lily admits murder'

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Lily kept her mouth shut as Tygrenias stroked the X scar on her left. arm, ''HE WHAT?!'' Thalleous yowled out of shock, ''yeah, he sure did..." Tygrenias sighed as her barbed tail swished, "ever since then Tygren has been on a killing spree! He's been killing everyone in sight! Everyone I tell you!"
"Yikes..." Luna muttered with wide eyes, not making eye contact. Lily opened her mouth for a response, murder... Lily thought, suddenly her dreadful memory drifted into her head, that day...the day where she killed her worst bully Michael Kika on accident...''uh...Tygren Isn't the only one who committed murder...'' Senn's eyes widened, he knew exactly what Lily was going to say, ''who else do you know of committed murder...?'' Thalleous asked concerned, Lily shifted awkwardly, "my...my-..." Lily stammered as Thalleous snuggled by her for comfort? "My...myself...I committed murder..." Lily muttered, gasps rippled through the small group, even Angela was there, "Y-YOU WHAT?!" Thalleous yowled shocked.

Thalleous hissed at Lily for self defence, "I bet your some spy! Or spectator from the unyielding legion!" Thalleous growled, Lily gingerly stepped back with her eyes wide, "I'm not! I swear! I swear on Lilli's life I'm no spy!" Lily squealed, Senn stepped forwards and protected Lily, "Thalleous! Leave Lily alone! Lily told me about this and she was sorry! She told me that the bullies she killed were on accident! She didn't mean to kill them! She has anger problems!" Senn protested, he turned around but, Lily was nowhere to be seen, "Lily...?!" Luna called, shoving Thalleous out of the way, "hybrid girl?!" Angela called as she stamped her hooves panicked, "why should we search for a murderer?" Thalleous hissed, "BECAUSE SHE DIDNT MEAN TO KILL!" Luna yowled at Thalleous, making him flinch, "Thalleous, she's only a child...give her a chance..." Luna said reassuringly, Thalleous sighed and felt cold tears swelling in his eyes, "I...I didn't mean to say any of that...I mean it...I didn't mean to..." tears streamed down Thalleous's cheeks as he let out a heavy breath.

Luna grabbed Thalleous's cheek and kissed him on the lips to calm him down, Thalleous pulled away from the kiss and wrapped his arms around Luna, tightly. Thalleous sobbed violently on Luna's shoulder, Senn and Ria never seen Thalleous this upset in their lives, they're used to his flirty and charming mood, not him being upset, nothing ever upsets Thalleous, or so they thought. Luna hushed Thalleous as she rubbed his back gently, Thalleous's tail swished affectionately at Luna's touch, by he still sobbed violently on her shoulder.

"All of you search for Lily, I'll comfort Thalleous" Luna ordered, everyone nodded and ran off into the wilderness. Lily was curled up by a tree with her face soaked in tears, Senn spotted Lily by the tree, "Lily! Thank goodness your okay!" Ria exclaimed as she ran over to her, everyone in the searching party kneeled down to Lily, "go away....nothing can replace on what I lost...I lost him...I lost Thalleous...the first friend I ever made..." Senn lifted Lily up gently, "Thalleous didn't mean any of that Lily...Thalleous would never mean any of that...I wants you back...desperately..." Lily sighed, "lead me to him..."


Thalleous sobbed on Luna's shoulder, Luna cuddled Thalleous tightly to comfort him, "Thalleous!" Lily shouted, watching him sob on Luna's shoulder, Thalleous looked up alarmed, "LILY!" Thalleous yowled as he ran to her, Thalleous hugged Lily tightly as his sobbing became even louder and violent, "IM EVER SI SORRY! I DIDNT MEAN ANY OF THAT, IM SO SORRY LILY" Thalleous wailed as his tail curled around Lily's legs, Lily felt happy tears stream down her cheeks, "apology accepted..." Lily whispered in Thalleous's ear as he sobbed. Lily hugged Thalleous back as her head snuggled under Thalleous's neck, "I'm so sorry Lily..." Thalleous said shyly to her, "it doesn't matter now, you made up for it...Thalleous you will always be my friend, no matter what...you are my first friend..."

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