Chapter 59: The Farm Finale

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() Italics indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

"It's time for our milking." One of the Minotaurs told me.

"Be right there." I said wiping a milk moustache from my lips

"You'll do us too right?" some of the Fauns asked "We took care of all the housework so you can handle the milking."

"And don't forget about us." The Satyrs smiled cupping their tits "You know if you get addicted to milkings you could stay here forever."

"(Man, they really want me to stay)" I thought

My phone rang and I stepped out to get the call.

"Oh, good you're alive!" Rachnera yelled.

"Of course, I am." I laughed.

"Well it's an all-female farm." She said "You're not milking them, are you?"

"Well you know..." I laughed "Mom asked me to help here and..."

"Alright that's it I'm coming to get you." She said "I'll finish up work here and see you tomorrow alright?"

"Alright, tomorrow it is." I nodded hanging up.

"So, you're heading back home tomorrow then?" Cathyl asked.

"Yeah I think it's about time I get back to the others you know." I smiled.

"Well it might be best to keep the fact your leavin to yourself." She said "Who knows how the others might go and react. But thanks for all yer help, farm's gonna be a lot smoother now."

"No problem, happy to help." I smiled.


I was laying in bed, happy with myself for doing good work at the farm, but ready to get back to my own bed and home, and away from all this milk, I was starting to feel a bit pudgy. Other than my thoughts it was just me on my bed in my underwear, I didn't even feel like picking up the phone.

"Wow the full moon sure is pretty tonight." I smiled looking outside "Wait...full moon?"

I suddenly worried for myself.

"Miss Newbie it's Miru-chan, can we talk." I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey what's up." I opened my door to see a large number of the farm girls there.

"We heard you're leaving and wanted to say good bye." They frowned "Why not come downstairs and have a little party with us?"

"Whoa!" I gasped as a few of the Minotaurs picked me up "Didn't know you guys liked me so much."

"They'll just escort you." One of the Fauns smiled.

They took me downstairs into a chair and many of the overall wearing farm maidens surrounded me.

"This is sweet and all girls but I should probably sleep, you too." I smiled as a few put their legs over mine.

"Have a piece of cake." One stuffed something in my mouth and I swallowed on instinct.

"It's sweet." I licked my lips.

"The cream on top is from Luto-san's milk." They said "There's plenty left so eat up."

"AHEM!" I coughed in shock.

"Oh, dear she's chocked up and needs a drink." Miru said.

"I got it!" Cream cheered shoving one of her perky tits in my mouth "Hmm go on and drink up, don't spill a drop!"

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