Part 8

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Presently ; July 4th, 2017

Those were the collections of my childhood that I had with me. They weren't much, but every story has a moral to teach. And from mine, I want others to learn from what I've experienced.

We as humans, are a beautifully complex creation that needs attending to. Not every situation is easily capable of being handled by ourselves; we have our rough days when we need another patient ear to hear us out, another kind heart to understand and to love us for who we are, and it's at times like these when we usually find out how many people actually care about us. In my case, I've been a fatherless child, without the love of a brother, and brought up by a half mentally shocked mother. I led a lonely life and made myself stand up all by myself. Do you know how? Because it's possible. It is possible to prevent yourself from pushing yourself into that little bubble of depression and self-loathing. You don't need anyone else to be there for you; you only need yourself.

I've narrated about the role of Cherryseth in my life. It's understandable that as I spent days on end alone, I befriended an object to share my stories with. I needed to let myself out and at that time, Cherryseth seemed to be the only thing to shut up and keep listening to me without any protest. She made me feel trusted.  She gave me hopes of wanting to live my life because I believed that after the 'almost-death' stage she had been through, everything else in my life was incomparable to that. Which means, it's the tougher times others around are going through that you need to look at rather than what's not in your life that others have. It's easier said than done, but unless we try we'll never succeed.

Now that I'm growing old and am a single mother, I know exactly  what pain my mother had to go through. Life isn't easy, but instead of being a coward and letting it get to you, the worst of situations are meant to be faced boldly because in the end, that's what makes you the winner. My husband and I were on excellent terms prior to the birth of our second daughter, Rose, but after her birth he got our divorce papers ready. Apparently, being the father of a Down's Syndrome child is an offense and an insult, therefore, the decision. It's been 6 years since and I'm coping well enough. Rose is a perfectly cheerful girl and I'm thankful to God every single day of my life to shine this ray of beauty into my life.

The bottom line here is: Nobody has a perfect life. Everyone goes through some sort of downfalls or the other and their extent varies, but to each their own problems weigh differently. So, instead of pondering over the negativities that you can't control, focus on the things that make you happy. This life is temporary and if it isn't lived to our hearts' content, then it is a life worthlessly lived. Cherryseth directed me towards the importance of life and I'm sure, everyone has a Cherryseth in their lives too, in different forms and shapes, to guide us through our worst. All you need to do is try to find your happiness in the little things in life. After all, it's the small things that create the bigger picture.


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