Funny misunderstanding

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All the lines between our friendship and a romantic relationship have been blurred

We always flirt and tease each other

And it feels like we've become something way more than just friends

We're so close and intimate with each other

It often seems like there are no boundaries in our relationship

We do everything together and are always together

It's like we're dating but it's nothing deeper than being just a bestfriend

We both feel like we are soulmates or something like that and that our connection is different than all others

Sometimes, people misunderstand our relationship

They thought we were dating each other

Even though we are not

It's all because of the teasing between the two of us

The flirting between the two of us

We even act like a couple

All of that creates misunderstandings

A misunderstanding that we don't bother to explain to them

We just laugh and leave them confused

Because in the end, only the two of us know the truth

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