Sea of Emotions

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I don't understand what I'm feeling,
My emotions are a mystery.
I'm not sure if I'm happy,
Or if I'm just feeling sorry for myself.

I'm constantly wondering,
If my thoughts are justified.
I question everything I do,
I'm always second-guessing my actions.

This confusion is overwhelming,
And it's making me feel lost.
I'm not sure where to turn for answers,
And I'm tired of feeling like this.

I want to understand myself,
And be in control of my emotions.
I want to feel confident and sure,
And not be ruled by uncertainty

I am lost in the swirl of emotions,
And I don't know which feelings to embrace.

Sometimes, I am happy,
And other times, I am sad.
Sometimes, I am excited,
And other times, I am nervous.

I am tired of feeling so confused,
And I wish I could just figure out what I'm feeling.
But until then, I'll keep swimming in this sea of emotions,
And hope to find my way eventually.

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