The Joy of Giving

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I feel joy when I'm shopping,
But not for myself, no, no, no.
I find happiness in the act of giving,
More than I do when I buy things for myself.

I love the feeling of seeing a loved one's face light up,
At the gift I've chosen just for them, with so much care and empathy.
When I buy something for my loved ones,
That's when my heart will glow.

I get so much satisfaction,
In finding something just right,
Something that someone else will love,
And that feeling is so bright.

It's not the item itself,
That brings me such delight.
It's the thought of someone else's happiness,
That really makes my night.

Gift giving is a beautiful act
Of kindness, love, and grace
It's not about things, it's about care
It's not about ego, it's about share

I love to make their day, to bring a smile to their face,
To make them feel special and loved, not in an artificial way.
And when I see someone's smile broad,
I know I've hit the mark with just a card

To see people's faces light up
And when they hug me and say thank you, with such sincerity
I feel a warm feeling inside, that is more valuable than any material thing to me.

I love giving, it fills my soul with joy,
More than buying something just for me, and having nothing to gain.
To me, giving is an experience, that is worth more than any sum of gold,
And that's why the joy of giving, is one that cannot be told

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