Mental Fatigue

11 3 0

I am tired in my mind
Thoughts racing a mile a minute
Endless to-do lists piling up
And yet I can't seem to find a start

The pressure and expectations
They weigh heavy on my shoulders
And I can't seem to catch a break,
No matter how much I try

I try to get myself motivated
But I find myself stuck in a rut
The weight of my thoughts and worries
They are too much to bear

The thoughts are endless,
And they just keep on coming.
I try to ignore them,
But they just keep on running.

I am exhausted,
Exhausted from the stress,
I just want to take a break,
From all of this mental mess.

I am struggling,
Struggling to keep up,
And it feels like everything
Is just a step away from giving up.

But despite the exhaustion,
I will not give up.
I will keep pushing forward,
And I will not be defeated by mental fatigue,
I will keep fighting until I am whole again

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