My friend's broken heart

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I tried to warn my best friend

I told her that this would happen

But she wouldn't listen to me

But I understand her

I know she love him so much

If I were in her place, I would do the same thing

But now she is brokenhearted

I don't know what to say or what to do to make things better

I feel like I failed her as a friend

And I feel so helpless and sad when I see her in pain.

I wish I could do more to ease her pain.

It is hard watching a friend suffer and not being able to do anything to fix it or make it better.

Seeing a friend suffer is always hard

But it hurt more knowing I had tried my best to prevent it from happening

It hurts to see her like this and I just wish she would listen to me for once.

It is so frustrating seeing her like this.

I feel so helpless and I wish I could do more for her

I can only promise to be there for her, support her and hope that she knows I love her

I will always be by her side.

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