My man

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"Let's treat your burnt hand first " Karna uttered as soon as they reached the house. 

Krisha only nodded. 

"Don't you think that Krisha become so obedient after Karna's entry " mithi uttered. 

Krisha glared at mithi .

"Everyone changed themselves a little for the person they love , and my dear only become a little obedient,  BTW mithi I guess now as Krisha's getting married,   you should find someone for yourself " Krisha's uncle turned the  table

Krisha now smirk.

"Yes ,mithi now you should find a guy and settle " Krisha uttered. 

"Its difficult to find a good person!!" Mithi replied in a low voice. 

"OH!! So shall we find someone for you who will be good and lovable  ??" Krisha. 

"No , no need,  after you get married I'll search by myself " mithi replied.

Veer's face is down .

Mithi went to the upstairs. 

"You two still not together??" Krisha asked. 

"I don't get what's inside her head , her some actions are enough to tell that she's kind of into me,  but the next she do is to behave as if we're enemies " Veer uttered in frustration. 

"Uh , a yes mithi is not capable of expressing her feelings that much " Krisha uttered. 

"If you're done we can treat the wound first " Karna interrupt them .

Veer smirk. 

"Don't worry,  I can do that as well right Krisha?? You go and take rest " Veer uttered. 

Krisha is confused by Veer's words. 

"No Veer , Krisha is my responsibility so it's better if you excuse us "  Karna uttered grabbing Krisha's wrist and brought her towards the sofa .

He started treating her wound. She stared at him , he's looking  peace .

It's like he's here to treat every single wounds of her , just like he's doing now . 

Suddenly his phone ring  .

He received. 

"OH  , yeah , "
"Thank you "

"I'll let you know if I decide anything "

Krisha heard Karna saying these things. 

When he put the phone aside. 

"Who's that ??" Krisha asked. 

"Divya , she said she'd like to give me a congratulations party " Karna replied. 

"So are you going?? " Krisha asked.

"I didn't made a decision yet, what say will it be ok to go ??" Karna asked. 

"It's OK if you go , I also have a last girls party tonight,  if you reject it , it will seem to be rude "  Krisha uttered. 

"OK I'll go then " Karna replied .

"Hey mithi I thought the plant you brought had a white flower, but when I went to water I found its colour is red "
Krisha asked Mithi who was busy of planning tonight's party

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●"Hey mithi I thought the plant you brought had a white flower, but when I went to water I found its colour is red " Krisha asked Mithi who was busy of planning tonight's party

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