A Night to Remember

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"Are you going to stand here all day ??" Karna asked

"Ofc , who knows when will you leave !!" Krisha replied staying outside of the room .

"Krisha I'll leave before the wedding not today , go and take rest " Karna replied

"No , why are you so stubborn,  there's no need to leave , and I won't do anything as well "Krisha replied. 

"Then our marriage will happen " Karna replied with a sigh .

"Then let it be !!" Krisha pleaded

"I think you lost your mind , Krisha a marriage without love will make you feel suffocated " Karna replied 

"No it won't " Krisha replied. 

They're conversing while Krisha is at the door and Karna inside.  So Krisha's uncle came hearing the sound. 

"What's going on ??" He asked. 

"Karna will leave, " Krisha uttered forgetting the fact that she's talking to her uncle. 
Karna quickly came in front to handle the situation. 

"She means , Veer planned something for tonight , and I'll go to help him "
Karna replied

"It's OK Krisha,  you're nagging like he'll leave for forever " Uncle uttered and brought her some other side .

Krisha's now marching in her room . Looking very anxious. 

Mithi is watching a Web series on her phone. 

Krisha got irritated. 

"How can you stay this calm , after knowing he'll leave " Krisha uttered in anger ,snatching mithi's phone. 

"Why are you crying now ?? And ofc I'm sad that he'll be gone,  but I can't stop him also right " Mithi uttered. 

"No no no mithi , think , give me some ideas,  I have to prevent him from leaving " Krisha uttered being desperate

"Why are you being this impatient?? If it's for your sake accept it and move on "

Mithi replied

Krisha got angry.

"How can you say such thing , accept let him go , I won't be able to live if he's gone!!" Krisha yelled. 

Mithi smirk

"And why that??" Mithi asked

"It's because, I-" Krisha's words stuck .

"You ??" Mithi asked with a innocent look

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"You ??" Mithi asked with a innocent look .

"It's not that you love him or something,  so let him go fool " mithi replied. 

But Krisha's heart is beating very fast , she can't let him go right !!

Suddenly mithi's phone ring .....and she left .....
Krisha sat down and her mind started pointing the memories they spend together,  moments they spent ,the enjoyable moments,  him being shy ??
Then making her heart skip , those happy moments,  will she ever be able to feel again?? If he left , she'll be left alone,  but she was never like this ??
She had so many male friends so many memories,  but then why she's so concerned about the leaving of him ,

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