Chapter 9

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The Sheriff, a medium-height, somewhat pudgy man, exhibited confidence as he strode into the common area. He looked around the room and immediately noticed Candace in the orange jumpsuit. The Sheriff stood in front of Candace and looked up at her, and broadened his shoulders that were already puffed out with padding from under his cape. Candace resisted the urge to stare him down and looked away as she sensed he was looking for a confrontation.

"So, you are the one from the New World I have heard about. What is your name?" The Sheriff queried as he looked Candace up and down.

"Candace Wardale."

"You will address me as Sheriff. You seem to be somewhat lacking in decorum and etiquette. Wardale? Surely not the Wardale of the Landed Gentry? Is that why you think you can flout the sumptuary laws with your outrageous attire, yet you claim you have no means to purchase small favours in my humble accommodations that I have provided with the grace of the King?" The Sheriff accused.

"I am sorry. I was brought here unaware of the laws and customs of this place, Sheriff." Candace replied, bowing her head slightly.

"Since you claim to be ignorant of the law of which there is no excuse, and you claim to be from the New World, I will grant you mercy if you forfeit your attire in exchange for a peasant's attire and also forfeit five shillings," The Sheriff offered.

"I have no means to pay five shillings, Sheriff," Candace stated.

"I am sure your begging skills will fetch you five shillings in short order, likely no more than a month. Edward, is this woman part of your clan?" The Sheriff coughed as he tried to laugh.

"There is a family resemblance, but I have not heard of any of my family traveling to the New World, so I cannot corroborate what she says," Edward responded.

"Well, at the rate you pay your debt, you would be useless as a mentor in the art of begging. I pity you for how your family's fortunes have fallen. Now that you mention it, I see your wife's resemblance to this woman. Your wife was a Cromwale, so how does this woman resemble your wife?" The Sheriff studied Edward's reaction.

"I have no answer for you, Sheriff," Edward returned.

"Candace Wardale, if that is who you claim to be, explain to me how you arrived under my hospitality in the middle of the night with no record of your arrival," The Sheriff stared at her with a steely look.

"Caritas Featherstone brought me here. One moment I was in the New World when she attacked me, and the next thing I knew, I awoke here in the dark, Sheriff," Candace answered.

Caritas Featherstone crouched behind one of the other prisoners.

"Caritas Fetherstane? Do you mean the witch that escaped the hospitality of my dungeon some weeks ago? Where is she?" The Sheriff scanned the prisoners looking for Caritas.

The jailer spotted Caritas and plucked her from her hiding spot.

"Unhand me, you swine. Surely you will languish here of gaol fever just as the most unfortunate of these debtors will die," Caritas shouted, spit flying as she spoke and her feet kicking as she struggled under the jailer's grip.

"Many gallows have been prepared for today so we can carry on with your execution without delay. You will not escape this time," The Sheriff scowled.

"I shall see you hanged for your treacherous deeds upon these innocents before I see the gallows," Candace growled and pointed at the Sheriff.

"Ha, we shall see about that. Your curses will lift when you have been hanged and your body burned to ashes," The Sheriff sniffed.

"You had better seek certainty with your God in prayer and hope he forgives your sins," Caritas warned.

"Away with the witch! I cannot stand the sight of her any longer. See to it that the Wardale woman changes from those clothes," The Sheriff ordered as he stomped away and waved his arms at his side.

"Wait! Wardale is also a witch and much more powerful than I am. I received my training from her. Attack her, and you will see for yourself," Caritas proclaimed.

The Sheriff stopped and turned to Candace.

"Candace Wardale, what do you say to these accusations ?"

"Sheriff, I deny the accusations. Featherstone has attacked me twice, and I only defend myself."

"Jailer, test Madame Wardale," The Sheriff commanded.

The Jailer swung his metal pole and hit Candace in the side of the ribs. She fell to the floor and cried out in pain.

"I have done nothing. Why do you believe this person who is a convicted criminal?" Candace sobbed.

The Sheriff nodded at the Jailer, and the Jailer hit Candace again.

"Please stop." Candace clutched her side.

The Sheriff studied Candace's face, which was now streaming with tears.

"Take the witch to the gallows. My apologies Madame Wardale, but I had to be certain that you would not conjure up a curse or some magic," The Sheriff huffed as he turned and walked away.

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