Chapter 18

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Candace and Edward tumbled to a cold stone floor beneath a crucifix with Latin writing. Candace was completely naked, but Edward still had his clothes. Edward noticed a table with a white tablecloth and grabbed the tablecloth for Candace to use as a makeshift covering.

"Thanks, I could have done that myself," Candace declared.

"You are right. It just seems awkward," Edward blushed as he handed over the tablecloth.

"I recognize this place. It is Peterborough Cathedral in the U.K.," Candace pointed out.

"Well, you wanted to travel. This is a free trip for you," Edward gave a nervous chuckle.

"Depends on what time period we are in as to just how "free" this trip will be," Candace said while making air quotes.

"I had not thought about that," Edward replied, worried now.

Edward looked at his cell phone.

"I have two bars of signal, but the date is from two years ago," Edward declared.

"I thought the date updated when the phone connected to the network," Candace pointed out.

"True. I am not sure what is going on. Let me try restarting the phone," Edward pressed the button on the side of his phone.

"You there! What do you think you are doing, lad?" A priest in a long white robe called out to Edward.

Edward froze and stared at the priest.

"What should we do?" Edward asked Candace.

"I don't see any point in running. Maybe best to talk to him," Candace advised.

"Hello sir, I mean reverend," Edward winced as he called out to the priest.

"First service begins at 10 am. What is this all about?" the priest said as he looked warily at Edward, pointing to the tablecloth and the candles on the floor.

"I am sorry, reverend. I used the tablecloth to preserve my sister's modesty," Edward explained.

"Your sister? Is she beside the candle stick on which you have draped the tablecloth?" the priest inquired nervously.

"Um, I am not sure what you mean. This is my sister Candace. We came here through a portal from Canada," Edward was feeling confused now as he pointed to Candace.

" I am sorry, lad, I don't see anyone else here but you," the priest told Edward.

Edward looked at Candace, and she shrugged her shoulders.
"Maybe I am a ghost now," Candace laughed.

"That is not funny," Edward chided.

"What is your name, lad?" The priest inquired.

"My name is Edward Wardale. My sister Candace is here with me, but apparently, you cannot see her. I was with her in a morgue in Canada after she had passed away, and this device brought us here through a portal," Edward held up the rag doll.

"Where did you get that?" The priest's eyes widened in surprise.

"I found it on my desk in the theatre where I work. One of my staff found it in one of our theatres. It seems there are or were two portals in our theatre," Edward told the priest.

"Quickly, follow me," the priest instructed.

Edward, Candace, and the priest made their way past the tomb of Katherine of Aragon to the wall at the far end near the retrochoir. The priest pushed on two stones with his hands and one stone with his right foot, and suddenly floor stones opened up to stairs leading to an underground room. The priest turned a rotary switch at the top of the stairs, and lights appeared below through thick cobwebs. The trio hastily descended the stairs as the priest motioned to Edward and Candace. The stone floor closed behind them as they reached the bottom. On the right side of the stairs was a long table with long rolled-up documents. The room was flat for several feet and sloped steeply to the back. A strong smell of sulfur filled the air. The priest reached behind the stairs, pulled a large sword out, and threw it to Edward.

"I have dreaded the coming of this day. You must sever the link to the portal," the priest commanded Edward. The priest then leveled a pistol at Edward.

"You want me to kill my sister?" Edward cried out.

"The fate of the entire world depends on it," the priest stated.

"I don't understand," Edward responded.

"You are connected to a portal where you can see your sister, but you both arrived in a second portal. You must close the other portal, and then you can return to your own time," the priest explained.

"By killing my sister? I can't do it. I will not do it," Edward declared.

"Then I will close your portal, and your sister will be in limbo for eternity," the priest cocked the pistol.

"Ask him if there is another way," Candace said to Edward.

"My sister wants to know if there is another way," Edward asked the priest.

"At the end of the slope in the room, there is an abyss. If she throws herself in there, the portal will close," the priest offered.

"Tell him I will do it," Candace informed Edward.

"No! I can't let you," Edward exclaimed with tears welling up.

"It is the only way. I have to do this. I love you," Candace walked towards the abyss.

"No, no, no," Edward pleaded.

Candace leaped into the abyss, the building began to shake, and the sulfur smell was overpowering. Edward and the priest started choking on the sulfur and passed out. About fifteen minutes passed before Edward and the priest regained consciousness. Still groggy, the priest took the sword from Edward and placed it back on the wall. He reached under the stairs, pulled a hidden lever, and opened the floor above them. Edward was in shock at what had taken place.

"What have I done?" Edward wailed.

"Your sister has saved the world from unspeakable things. It was her destiny. There was nothing you could have done to save her," the priest put forward.

"I could have stopped her," Edward whimpered.

"It was the only way. The sacrifice had to be made. I am sorry for your loss and pain. We must go now," the priest consoled, pointing the way up the stairs.

The floor closed up when they got to the top of the stairs. Edward took out his phone to look at his pictures of Candace. He noticed that the date was back to the present day.

"The date on my phone has changed," Edward told the priest.

"Yes. When the second portal was closed, your portal was closed too because the two portals were tied together," the priest explained.

"Then how do I get home," Edward inquired, somewhat confused.

"A train to London and an airplane home would be the best way," the priest pointed out.

"Of course. I am sorry, I am still processing what just happened," Edward shook his head.

"I can help you find accommodations until your flight leaves," the priest offered.

"No. My phone seems to be working here. I can book something online. I don't know how I will break this to my parents," Edward hesitated as he prepared to call his parents.

"You can tell them she sacrificed herself to save us all," the priest told Edward.

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