Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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Hey there! My sincerest apologies for the tardy update—I've been caught up in the whirlwind of relocating and adjusting to Mumbai and a new job. I'm also at a loss for a chapter title, so I'm counting on you guys to suggest to me some apt song names. Drop your suggestions and leave a star. Happy reading!

Note: I haven't proofread this, so there might be some mistakes. As usual, the flashback is in italics.


She gathers her clothes from around the suite and enters the bathroom, leaving the door open for Anuj to follow. Normally, Anuj would follow her to clean himself up after the sex, but he did not this time. It was a bad idea to have sex with him today. It carried additional weight. It held a greater significance—it marked their fourth anniversary when they started having periodic sex with each other. Standing under the cold shower, she felt a wave of sadness wash over her, reviving the pain she had felt four years ago. The memories came flooding back, threatening to drown her in their intensity.

She stood before the abandoned Radha-Krishna Mandir, a relic of their shattered dreams. It was here, in this sacred place, where he had once whispered promises of everlasting love. The staircase leading to the mandir witnessed their first kiss, which they shared while returning home from their first date before marriage. But now, as she stood there, the taste of him lingered in her mouth like a bitter, metallic tang—reminiscent of blood. The sacredness of the place felt tarnished, tainted by the echoes of shattered promises and broken vows. Their love became a knife, carving deep wounds within her heart. The scars, raw and bleeding, marked the remnants of a love that had consumed her. And the sky above the temple resembled blood, mirroring the anguish within her heart, She stood there, lost and helpless, yearning for salvation.

As Anu walked towards the temple, her mind was consumed by the memories of the times she had spent with Anuj. She remembered the laughter, the love, and the intimacy that they had shared, and it only made her feel more lost. The tears came in waves, and Anu couldn't hold them back any longer. She collapsed onto the floor the moment she saw her kanhaji, sobbing uncontrollably. She had lost everything that mattered to her, and she didn't know how to go on.

She felt like she was drowning in a sea of emotions that she couldn't make sense of. Anu confronted the harsh truth of her predicament: Anuj was getting married, and she was here all alone. Yet deep down, a small glimmer of hope flickered, refusing to be extinguished. With each breath she took, Anu struggled to reconcile her yearnings with the unforgiving reality that lay before her. Despite her efforts, her love for him persisted, stubbornly lingering in the depths of her soul, unwilling to completely fade away. Logic urged her to find a way to move on and free herself from the excruciating pain. Yet, hope against hope gripped her tightly. She willed Anuj to materialize before her, to grasp her hand as his rightful companion, and whisk her away to their home, their sanctuary, where dreams of living a blissful life together had flourished.

Suddenly, Anu sensed a presence behind her, and a shiver shot down her spine. Slowly turning around, her eyes met Anuj's gaze, a blend of pain and regret was evident in his expression. In that suspended moment, time seemed to lose all meaning as they locked eyes. Anu found herself paralyzed, unable to move or speak, as Anuj extended his arms towards her, an invitation she couldn't resist. As their bodies intertwined, a whirlwind of emotions surged through Anu's veins, engulfing her in a bittersweet wave. The warmth of his touch ignited a spark within her, making her believe in the possibility of a rekindled love. Anuj, overcome with a flood of emotions, couldn't help but weep, his tears mingling with hers.

In the timeless embrace, the world outside ceased to exist as minutes melted into hours. Anuj's tender lips brushed against Anu's temple, conveying a love so deep that words could not capture its essence. Their grip tightened, as if releasing each other would mean losing a vital lifeline as if their very existence hinged upon their intertwined souls. Reluctantly, they loosened their embrace, but their hands remained tightly clasped, their fingers entwined in an unbreakable bond. They tried wiping away each other's tears, but their efforts were futile, for the pain within them could not be easily assuaged. The words eluded them, but Anu managed to utter a single, trembling syllable, "Anuj."

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