07 : the sixth activity (unedited)

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We were in English class sat next to each other and the teacher asked how our projects were going we simply stared at each other while everyone else talked through theirs, we were last to speak on it.

"I prefer your bed more than you but thats not very surprising is it ?" I spoke to him after a good minute of silence, slowly a small smirk made its way onto his face.

"You only like my bed when I'm with you in it" he replied confident that I couldn't disagree, he needa get humbled.

"I mean I haven't tried it without but maybe you're right, who knows anywho sixth activity is as planned ?" I immediately changed the subject while he gives that stupid grin.

"You think I'm right? Is that why you were gush-" i grabbed his lips so fast, snatched him up like he was some misbehaving child.

"Sixth.activity.as.planned, Correct?" I grit, he nodded before pulling my hands off his lips and away from his mouth.

"Should I cook before or are we cooking together?" He replies "cooking AND baking together I found a couple recipes and practiced some with my ma yesterday I think you'd enjoy them" I say getting excited he nodded turning to face me tapping his pen on his chin he sat up,

"Can I hug you before I meet your mother ?" He asks pulling my chair to him I simply plant my face into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I see why everyone ships you two, that was fucking adorable." Our teacher says before taking a long slurp of her coffee.

He slowly pulled away much to my displeasure , he was such a comfortable temperature.
"Anywho so far we've done 5 pages, 21 questions, the dance one, café, park and the first time she stayed over with me" he spoke as he played with my hair "not in that order of course" he added on and i was just basking in the feeling of being pet , is this how cats feel because i love it and would pay to feel like this 25/9

"told you youre a cat" he said smiling down at me "fuck you" was my only reply and he stopped making me glare at him.
"I dont think she was ready for you to stop petting her, she doesn't look too happy" the teacher said with a slight snicker, he turns to me "fix your face before I stop making your lunch" i fixed that IMMEDIATELY and looked away. The lesson went fast.

Lunch arriving faster me and dumb fuck took a couple laps around the school before joining the group in the cafeteria his arm around my shoulder causing shocked gasps to be heard around the room. I went to sit between the girls and he pulled me to his lap i just accepted my fate and sat on his lap talking with the table about 5 minutes in he tapped my leg so i got up whispering a quiet 'be safe' into his ear giving him a hug he nodded before dipping...

aha im in danger.

As soon as the door shut I was bombarded with questions so I took my time eating to avoid answering the questions which ranged from "what the fuck was that?" To "Did he get you pregnant and was the dick worth it ?" The lunch bell rang so I messaged him letting him know that I was gonna take his bag with me only to receive a white heart in response.
He arrived about 10 minutes late "Butterfly... could you do me a favour" he asked at the door I didnt raise my head "depends on what the favour is ? And how you're willing to repay the debt"
"Be my girlfriend for like 30 minutes or until this bitch leaves?" He pleaded slightly out of breath "she told her brothers I rejected her and they aint happy about it" he explained I cackled and the door opened

"Stop laughing at me please, ima get jumped" he once again pleaded i beckoned him over still giggling he immediately walked to me I stood once he arrived I dusted him off and sorted out his clothes "you'll be fine , you can fend for yourself dumb fuck" I whisper into his ear gently running my hands over his body, a small mischievous smile crossing my lips and extending as my hand ran lower and lower.

"P-Please behave you're the one who wanted to wait til marriage and I have to explain the situation" he whined a slight stutter becoming noticeable as he grabbed my hand. "He yours or some?" One of the dudes asked distaste clear in his voice i nod "yes, problem ?" I was daring him to step to me
"Well i got a problem with it cause i want him." This bitch said sounding nasally and annoying i looked down at the gnome built bitch.

"Sorry but hes a little too old for you little one" i say a condescending tone and smile taking over me "we almost 17 we dont fuck with little kids." I added and she stared up at me

"when you want something that belongs to me you have to ask for permission, be wanted back, and be in either of our leagues or better from what i can see you dont fit none of that." I continue giving her the chance to speak.
She huffed "I'm 17 i turned it last month , I am better than you and he's not an object and he wants me more than he wants you anyway" she yelled and huffed like a spoiled brat. Must want to get slapped up. I laughed cause she was on my nerves.
"Firstly He asked to be mine so he's currently an object in my possession and i dont like sharing, secondly he doesnt want you so ima need you to back up and get the fuck out before you really piss me off, third you'll never be better than me because the only thing youre better than is a third grader and im not in third grade, check yourself before you start talking crazy to me because your brothers big but mine bigger." And that's a checkmate. she huffed and left.
After school came quick and i was being carried like the princess i am, he put me in the passenger seat and i set up the gps to go home for once and he went to his place to get lorry (his cat) it was nice hugging lorry while i slept in the car i open the front door sleepy as hell yelling to announce my arrival,
"Is that who i think it issssss?" My brother started walking out the living room and looking shook seeing dude behind me i rushed into my brothers arms "i missed you broooooo" i wail into his chest he didnt even hug me back so i looked up at him and noticed him staring at dude "give me ATTENTION" i huff like the needy baby i am making both let out little chuckles, "nice to meet you im her partner for the English project and the person who she ties with for first in our year every year" dumb fuck introduced himself "mind if i let my cat out him and edgar are friends" he adds on
"Yes let the cat out i know who you are which is why im shocked she hates you ? Or is it hated now cause past tense ?"left

Dumbfuck just let his cat out and shrugged "my friends are in the living room just go up" my brother stated blocking the door i nodded and went up keeping lorry by my side, needless to say edgar was very pleased to see lorry and the purrs and kisses showed that loudly.
I was in my pajamas chillin with the cats and my brother just opened the door i made grabby hands wanting to sleep "one second butterfly" his smooth voice made sure i knew he understood, he went and showered and put on some joggers joining me in bed.

Third person

He took some selfies with her sleeping self snuggled right up to him "it was supposed to be a movie night but look at the little butterfly, she's so cute and pretty i had the biggest crush on her for a long while but now I think im just in love with her" his thumbs slowly running along her lashline down her cheek and to her lips "so precious, you dont know how much I treasure you im so glad im editing this one, but you don't understand the power you hold over me" he was recording this for himself and their viewers which she knew nothing about only editing and sending the edited videos to him to upload.her

He was determined to be more than her rival but he didn't know when to start making it clear that he wasnt joking. She snuggled into his chest letting out a small distressed whine so he hugged her tighter whispering soothing things into her hair and gently stroking her back as she relaxed he was lulled into a calm sleep breathing in her scent.

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