14 : Thirteen his match (Unedited)

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It was the next day he had a match after school and I was gonna join him the girls knew i had a first date HOWEVER they dont know who it was with. He wants to surprise them, so during lunch hr walked over with this team casually talking placing a box infront of me "for you butterfly" he gave me a gentle smile and we lightly headbutted to show affection "what?" I ask I WAS NOT AWARE OF THE SURPRISE
"Open it. Yea i wanted to surprise your friends might as well do something productive with it while i have you" a mischievous smirk slowly broke out, i was still looking at the box sceptically.

 "Hurry up i need to ask before my ma thinks I pussied out like I really want to do" he huffed I opened the box his jersey and a small note asking me to come to his game i gave him the goofiest smile "of course I'll even cheer the loudest for you might just scream your name every now and again to cause confusion" he cheesed and I realised my mistake 

"I know you don't mean it like that but a man can only wish , especially with someone like you butterfly" he was leaning against the seat his boner making itself known i got up and whispered into his ear "you have a boner."
"Blame yourself I'll be back" I laughed at hm while he made the issue so visible everyone was shocked "you went on a date with himmmm ?" They were screaming and yelling and just in shock. He messaged me asking for help to get rid of it and then a second reply to himself reminding himself im waiting til marriage and i dont want to be a teen mom.

I giggled ignoring the hysterical state of everyone else around me going to find my boyfriend... ew i dont like that, im going to find my dumbfuck... much better.
I eventually find him and slowly scootch my way under his arms and between him and the wall he was slamming his head against
"Yes, butterfly" he offered as soon as he felt me getting comfy
"Kiss please" and that's exactly what I got soft, gentle, loving kisses, a make out session with more passion than words in the dictionary, more love than he could physically express to me, his heart was full and spilling out as we kissed I.fucking.loved.it I loved how his touch gave me goosebumps and every type of good feeling known to man every good feeling I could and couldn't express.
We pulled away still giving small pecks , just staring at each other. Star struck.

Throughout the day we just glanced at each other, smiling at each other from across classes, hallways, tables wherever. Our math teacher ended up making us talk about our first date and then she made us kiss for the Class. 

We did a quick peck the school's student writer said thats not a kiss compared to what we were doing at the shed... dumbfuck stopped my head from slamming into and through the desk and muffled my embarrassed scream. I sat up straight faced "she cant handle public affection if it was up to me we'd essentially fuck on the table as we made out" he said and grabbed me before i could leave smiley and giggles breaking out of him because i was embarrassed. "Butterfly there's no need to be embarrassed about getting caught kissing, we could've been doing worse" he spoke gently my phone starting yelling, cussing and causing a ruckus(i got a call) I answered

"My sweet daughter you haven't said anything about your date and you've been gone three days , should I buy a condo for you and my grand babies?" My mother spoke
"I messaged you four different times to update you on the date and I sent a voice message about it, I'm not gonna be a mother for until im married" i spoke quickly taking her off speaker he took my phone and put her on speaker holding me away
"Better give me some Irish twins , your boyfriends genetics shouldn't go to waste. Better use him in every position or until hes got nothing left in his sacks and its depleting his life force"
"She don't gotta go that far, I'll gladly give her Irish quadruplets though" he spoke while i hid my face in his side
"Oh hi ! When are you coming down for dinner we havent seen you in like three days my husband's complaining about it" her voice got so much brighter and you could hear the smile on her face
"I'll be over later today not for long though I'm not sure how my siblings will be not seeing me for four days" The two had a conversation about being parents and cooking , it was clear that they were best friends.we eventually got to the end of lesson and we headed out i had a free period he had p.e so i was chilling in the track benches.
"Pspsppsspps here butterfly" I heard him call and i jumped on him from behind off the bleachers
"What did you want ?" I ask
"To prove that your my girlfriend so please remind them who asked who out" he said placing me in front
"I asked him out during 21 questions and he asked me out during our first date we both said yes" I said can I take him now... I wanted to ask 

"I thought she had a crush on Anton?" One of the basketball players asked "running joke , they asked her who she was crushing on and she always just said "that one guy" so they just picked a name and ran with it, we didn't expect to find an actual Anton but she was talking about kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul" he explains
Eventually the end of the day came, i was wearing his jersey over my body suit and some jeans.
We walked in together me being a couple inches shorter with my filas. He had his arm over my shoulder and gave me a peck before i went and sat with their coach dapping up all the players on our team.
The game started and the other team was just overly aggressive and causing harm to our players the refs doing nothing so I started "YOUR LEFT 15" he moved "7 DONT JUMP" he didnt "5 SCREEN" he did bro got knocked over "BABY YOU GOT IT FOCUS ON YOUR ENVIRONMENT" he did avoiding all the people and got his people to the other side of the court "7 BLOCK I KNOW HE CANT SHOOT" he followed my orders avoiding an American football tackle.
The refs finally doing something once they got to 30 points they focused on defence and that couldn't be stronger, the other team got zero points 0.

The team immediately sprinted at me, lucky i did track I dipped yelling at them to shower first they finally went and showered leaving me alone the coach was thinking "sure I like watching them play and im not doing track anymore so theyre not overlapping" I answered his unasked question he nodded sending the message to the boys. 

I heard their cheer from the audience one of the opps came up to me "I'll let your cheating slide if you-" I put my hand up "move. I got a boyfriend and my blick I'll shoot you and make out with him on your dead body." I was deadpanned and he started insulting me I see the boys coming out while he was cussing at me. 

His team looked terrified because dumbfuck was not happy.
"Ok My dumbfuck is here bye." I started skipping over to my dumbfuck only to get my hair pulled by this dude I swung so hard I broke my hand by beating this dude black and blue. "Before we go hospital wanna go to prom with me ? I was meant to ask during the game but they were ignoring our timeouts" i nodded kissing him and getting carried to the car

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