kitchen floor

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Sakura sighed as she gazed out the rain-streaked window and drummed her fingers. It had been raining for so long; she was beginning to become seasick. She wanted desperately to visit someone, but knew of no one. Naruto and Hinata were too busy planning for their wedding that wasn't supposed to take place for another year, Sai was on a mission, and Ino was working double time at her flower shop, and Sakura definitely didn't want to spend a lousy day with a bunch of lousy flowers that just reminded her of more rain.

Then she had an idea.

It had been a full three years since she had seen her friend in the Suna village. Things were painfully hard since she had developed a slight love interest in him. Besides, it probably wasn't raining there.

So why not pay him a visit?


And so there she was, knocking outside of the kazekage's front door.

Gaara opened it-and panicked.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed.

"Well, it's practically flooding where I live!"

Gaara shot her a death glare. "Good for you. All we have here is sand, more sand, and the temperature of an oven."

"You got to love the sand, Kazekage." Sakura put a hand on her hip.

"You're telling me? You try to lead the entire sand village for a week and see how you feel. It's all about sand. Sand for the playground, sandpaper, Sandy and her new sandmobile. I'm sick of the stuff." He moved aside and Sakura walked into the large mansion.

"It can't be as bad as rain." Sakura said.

"Oh but it is. Come on, you can stay in this room over here." He led her to a plain bedroom with a simple bed and a large window.

"Thanks." Sakura thanked her friend. "Now go away."

Without protest, Gaara left the room. What was she doing here anyways? He knew he wouldn't be able to control himself with her scent in the house. After all, he had loved her for four years. All while she was gone his heart ached for her. He even had...dreams...of her. Now she was here, in his home, and he knew he couldn't handle it.

For days, Gaara was put under sheer torture every time Sakura walked by. It took all the effort he had to not grab her and rape her right there in the hall.

On the other side of the wall, it took all of Sakura's strength not to push him against the wall and shove her tongue down his throat.

For days, both nineteen-year-olds suffered a pain that ached their hearts.

It was a particularly hot day when Gaara decided it was too freaking hot to wear a shirt. And as Sakura passed by the topless redhead, she was sure her mind would explode. His slender yet muscular chest looked hard and delicious, and Sakura had to resist the urge to touch it. But she did lick her lips, an act that made the kazekage gulp hard.

Later in the afternoon, Gaara walked into the kitchen to get a drink when he dropped his glass cup after spotting his crush with a shirt that was halfway undone, revealing the white lace bra underneath it.

"Sorry...I'll clean that up." He mumbled, kneeling down to pick up the broken pieces of glass. Immediately, Sakura was on the floor with him on all fours. The two picked up the shards in no time, and as Gaara looked up from the floor, he nearly jumped. There, two inches away from his face was Sakura's bra. And in that bra, he could see her cleavage. It wasn't too much, as she was still probably in size A, but it was enough to make the young man go crazy.

'shit' he thought.

And as he raised his head, he found Sakura's face less than an inch away from his.

Sakura Lemon FFWhere stories live. Discover now