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(I'm sorry)

It had been nine months since Sakura Uchiha (formerly Haruno) had seen her husband. They last met under the moonlight atop the Hokage Monument engaged in a passionate bout of unprotected sexual intercourse. Now, given that Sakura had only ever fucked the colossally-endowed Naruto Uzumaki in her life, Sasuke's own manhood was an unfortunate disappointment. At a respectable seven inches, the last Uchiha's penis was capable of making Sakura feel pleasure, but it just wasn't enough to make her cum.

Thankfully, Sakura's orgasm came from a place of love and joy rather than the debased lust she felt with Naruto, and even though Sasuke left by the time she woke up the next morning, he left her with a gift: their daughter, Sarada.

When Naruto heard of the pregnancy, his reaction was one of joy and annoyance. On one hand, he was happy that his lifelong friend was becoming a mother, and on the other, he new that the new life within Sakura would impede his regular fuck sessions with her.

Sakura had told Naruto that there was no need to refrain from using his full strength to fuck her, as she made sure that the baby was protected by her chakra-enhanced body. To make absolutely sure, Naruto used Sage Mode to analyse Sakura's body and the life within her, determining that it was indeed safe for him to continue fucking her with full force for the duration of her pregnancy.

In the present, Naruto and Sakura were currently heading back to the Leaf after completing a mission. Naruto worried that Sakura could endanger herself and the baby by continuing to perform missions so late into her pregnancy, but the expectant mother assured him that she would be fine.

Naruto, feeling horny after their mission, had propositioned Sakura for sex and she obliged, laying down on the grassy floor of the forest they were travelling through. Due to the weight imposed on her by her pregnant belly, it was with slow movements that she laid herself on the ground; she didn't mind though, it was her duty to have sex with Naruto whenever he pleased, she was his cum-dumpster, after all.

Before straddling her, Naruto observed Sakura's pregnant body, taking in the natural beauty of the soon-to-be mother. Her gravid belly had been poking out of her modified qipao as she refused to buy larger clothes for her larger stomach. There were wet spots on each breast as Sakura had been lactating nonstop during the past nine months, not that Naruto minded. Not only had her belly swollen from being pregnant, but her tits as ass as well. Her breasts had already been pretty big before getting pregnant, but their size now was ridiculous, almost (yet not quite) matching up to Hinata's prodigious boobs. And finally, her hips had widened in preparation for childbirth, meaning her ass was forced to expand outwards to fit her hips, and Naruto couldn't help but admire the new pillowy ass she had anytime he saw her from behind.

"Damn, I guess I've gotta thank Sasuke for getting you pregnant and giving you that big, juicy ass." Naruto said, a lecherous grin across his face. He lowered himself in between Sakura's legs after removing his pants and underwear, fully erect penis standing like a monolith, and he pulled Sakura's tight shorts from her legs and discarded them.

Naruto took in the sight of Sakura's aroused and plump pregnant pussy as he also removed her top clothing to reveal her lactating breasts. He used one finger to wipe up some of her milk and get a taste, one he thoroughly enjoyed and would seek out for as long as Sakura continued producing the substance.

"Naruto, Kakashi-sensei is expecting us back in the village soon, what are we going to say to him when we're late?" Sakura said this through a moan as Naruto continued to fondle her milky breasts.

"I'll just say that we were attacked by bandits or something." Naruto replied before latching his mouth onto one of Sakura's nipples and sucking, forcing the milk out of her breasts and into his mouth. He had heard when he was younger that breast milk was sour and gross, but Sakura's was anything but. The fluid tasted sweeter than any candy he'd had in his life, and the consistency of it matched regular, full-cream cows milk, making Sakura's breast milk not only sustenance for her baby once it was born, but a delectable treat for Naruto before then.

Sakura Lemon FFWhere stories live. Discover now