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Sakura and Ino entered the club that was smoky and loud. Thankful to arrive before the thunderstorm that was moving toward the village began. There was no charge for women that night and it seemed to bring out every single man in the area. Some Sakura noticed weren't actually available, but it was their girlfriends' and wives' problems not hers. She was there to have fun with one of her closest friends, and to help Ino get laid. Just like every weekend they were home from missions. Sakura was the one in desperate need of a romp in the sack.

Kiba had left on an extended mission over eight months ago, and there wasn't an estimated time for his team's return. The two jounin had been fooling around for about two months, before he left. They didn't have a verbal agreement about being exclusive, yet Sakura felt it was somewhat implied. The numerous bite marks left on her body helped to reinforced this idea. So for the past eight months, she found herself masturbating at least twice a day, while wearing one of his t-shirts left at her apartment that carried a small portion of his scent.

Coming here or to any club on the weekend made it harder each week that passed. The twenty one year old was horny as hell and in need of real contact. Having guys press themselves against her dancing body drove her insane. Each week though she would return and imagine a certain dog nin wrapping his hand around her body. Ino told her many times she was crazy to wait.

"Forehead, you have got to get some," the blond would tease. "Now that you've finally gave in, don't you miss sitting on top of a rock hard guy and riding him til you can't walk the next day?"

"Yes, but I waited twenty one years to have sex a few months won't kill me," Sakura replied as she downed her first shot of tequila.

"Whatever stingy, you think Kiba of all people is not nailing every piece of ass he can find," Ino waved to the bartender for another two shots.

There were two truths, possibly three to what Ino was saying. Kiba was Sakura's first. Maybe that was part of the reason Sakura felt so attached to the ANBU jounin. Her inner thoughts agreed with Ino, and haunted her sometimes. The voice, that only sounded when Sakura was insecure, stated there was no way Kiba was being exclusive. This truth hurt Sakura just a little. She wanted to be Kiba's only, but Kiba had turned into one of Konoha's hottest bachelors.

His fan club was large. Girls just wanting the chance to say they'd been in between the sheets with the shinobi. With his control, power, size, and tongue he didn't have to sleep alone any night if he didn't want to. But as far as Sakura knew she was the only one he'd been with since they first hooked up. She could never really say what made her give it up to him. Kiba had grown into a hell of a sexy man. He was built, but lean, not too tall, and that smile melted even Tsunade and Anko. Kiba had a dangerous way of soothing a person. Kind of like when you'd stroke a puppy. Sakura explained to Ino. Plus he'd never slept with Ino, an accomplishment on both their sides. Kiba was loyal to his friends. Shikamaru and Ino had broken up, but their two year relationship made her off limits in Kiba's mind

So here she was with her best friend at a club with her third shot of tequila in her hand. Turning toward the dance floor, Sakura began to let her body be taken over by the music. She'd danced with Ino innocently, then a few more guys. After being there for over an hour, she turned toward a nin from Suna. The tall, lanky man pulled Sakura closed to him and ground his hips into her body. Letting go into the music, the pink haired woman, let her defenses down. As a result she did not sense the hooded figure watching her from the bar for the last thirty minutes. The dog nin sipped his drink and watched his girl in the arms of another man.

Kiba's team arrived in Konoha three hours earlier. After a debriefing with the Hokage and a much needed shower, Kiba rushed to Sakura's apartment. The apartment was empty and he followed her scent to the club, sitting back to watch her have a good time. Although the words were never spoken, Kiba felt that Sakura understood enough about him and his clan to know the bite marks left on her body, claimed her as his. Now he couldn't be sure. His anger rising as he watched some bastard from Suna pull her closer.

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