Kiss the Bride

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An 18 year old medic-nin smiled dreamily as she took in her reflection. Her name was Haruno Sakura, but in just a few hours it would be Uchiha Sakura. The thought made her sigh happily. She'd spent all morning with her bridesmaids getting dolled up for the wedding, and soon it would finally happen. She would get to finally realize her dream of becoming Mrs. Uchiha, and marry her childhood love.

The vision reflected in the mirror was stunning. She'd had to take in the chest a bit to accomodate her smaller breasts, but now her mother's traditional wedding kimono fit her like a glove, the white and red floral patterns matching her hair and complexion perfectly. The fine fabric hugged her B-cup chest and tight ass, accentuating her slim curves and toned muscles. Tenten and Hinata had helped style her hair into an elegant bun, and Ino had outdone herself with the makeup. Her face was already nearly flawless, so it was fairly minimal -- just enough eyeliner to enhance her sea-green eyes and dark pink tresses. It was capped off with a cherry red lipstick that Sakura had to admit seemed overly sensual for such a formal occasion, but she loved the color. She happily fingered the silver chain of the choker necklace around her exposed neckline, adorned with the Uchiha fan symbol. It was a very rare gift from her soon-to-be husband, and like most of his other gifts was related to his clan in some way.

Her smile dipped a bit as she thought about the stoic black haired nin. He hadn't seemed quite as enthused about the wedding as she would have liked, but she was confident he would come around. She loved him, but had to admit that to most he would not seem like a good marriage prospect. He may be the second most powerful human on the planet, but the consensus among her friends was that he was lacking when it came to anything other than fighting and brooding, and while she vocally defended him she had to admit they had a point. She had lost count of the number of awkward silent dates, where he answered every question with a grunt or a "hn" and barely paid attention to her, only seeming to perk up when the topic came to their other teammate.

It irked her that he was far more emotional about his rivalry with Naruto than he had ever been about their engagement and plans for a family. He had refused her frequent attempts at seducing him into sex, citing the need to wait until marriage before producing an heir. He was so clinical, so clearly uninterested in his future wife's body beyond its ability to bear children, and it was a significant blow to her self esteem. It also left the healthy and horny young woman still a virgin, reliant on frequent sessions with her fingers to relieve the pressure. Still, that would all surely change once they were officially married, right? He wanted to restart his clan after all.

Sakura's thoughts were broken by a loud knock on the door. Quickly crossing the fancy dressing room, she opened it and smiled warmly at the familiar sight of Naruto, her teammate and, besides Ino, her best friend. She had to admit the muscular blond cleaned up well in his button down and slacks, dressed up as he was to be the best man in just a few hours. There was something... off about his smile though. It wasn't his normal warm grin he reserved for her; it was almost feral, reminding her of when she'd been on the end of one of his pranks. "He'd better not be planning to pull something stupid during the wedding!" she thought, resolving to make his life a living hell if he did anything to ruin her big day.

"Hey Sakura-chan! You look great! I know I say it a lot, but you're way better than that teme deserves. Makes me wish I was the one waiting at the alter -tebayo." he said smoothly while giving her a look up and down, his heated gaze making Sakura blush despite herself.

Naruto, she had to admit, had become very good looking over the years, and at 18 he now resembled bulkier and more animalistic version of the fourth hokage with his wild blond hair and muscular build. He'd gained a lot of confidence around women ever since he'd started dating Hinata, and she was still caught off guard sometimes by how smooth he could be when he tried. If Sasuke was like the Moon, attracting women with his air of mystery and cool indifference, then Naruto was the Sun -- overwhelming them with warmth, charm and raw physicality. Hinata was certainly a lucky woman to have caught him before one of his many other admirers did. Sakura would die before admitting she found him attractive, though -- his ego was big enough already as far as she was concerned.

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