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Kakashi wrapped his arms around Sakura from behind and pressed his lips to her neck. "Are you sure you want this?" he whispered against her blushing skin.

She shivered. "Yes, oh god, please."

The two other men in the room watched her with hungry eyes as Kakashi ran his hands over her body. She was his, they seemed to be saying. But today he was going to share.

Sakura felt light-headed. The charged energy in the room was flickering around her dangerously. The anticipation of it bursting over her made her lean back into her lover's embrace more as her eyes drifted closed.

Kakashi's greedy hands were no longer just caressing. He slowly slid the zipper of her shirt down and pulled it open to expose her lacy bra. It was the sluttiest thing she owned—delicate and see-through—and put her hard nipples on full display. He had picked it out for her to wear.

She heard one of the men hiss a little and then get up off the couch to approach. She opened her hazy eyes to find Genma standing close. Very close. Close enough that his chest was almost pressing against hers. He wasn't touching her yet, just grinning down wickedly as Kakashi's hands came around to tug the cups of her bra down.

"Genma—" his name tumbled from her lips breathlessly. Years of flirting and attraction were whirling between them, and the pressure was pulling her in.

Behind her Kakashi chuckled lowly as he unsnapped her bra, and she could feel it reverberating through the hard, lean planes of his chest. "I think Sakura-chan wants to play with you," he teased, pushing the straps off her shoulders.

"I think so too," Genma smiled cockily at his friend.

Sakura groused a little at being talked about like she wasn't even there, but then Genma leaned forward and held her chin.

Her heart beat once, twice, and then his lips were pressing firmly against hers.

She returned the unfamiliar kiss hesitantly at first. His lips weren't as soft as Kakashi's, but he moved them with a confidence that made it clear she was meant to follow his lead. He bit her bottom lip and his tongue brushed over it lightly, and she couldn't hold back the little moan that rolled in the back of her throat. Kakashi's rough fingertips were running teasingly under the waistband of her skirt as Genma deepened the kiss. His persistent tongue swept into her mouth and played over hers, and she was completely lost in the feeling and the taste—zesty and hot, like ginger. Genma wrapped his arm around the dip of her waist and tugged her against him as Kakashi guided her skirt down over her hips and let it fall to the floor.

Now in only her panties, Sakura felt completely vulnerable pressed between the two fully clothed men.

Genma broke their kiss to pull back and admire her petite, toned body. "Fuck, you're gorgeous," he smirked.

Sakura shook her head a little with embarrassment under his scrutiny, but then Kakashi's possessive palms were back on her, and he was cupping her naked breasts gently and making her shudder.

Genma's burning gaze was completely locked on Sakura's panties—also lacy, also see-through, also chosen by Kakashi—and one hand drifted up to stroke along the sensitive skin on the inside of her thigh.

"Is she wet for us?" Kakashi asked, his hot breath tickling over Sakura's ear to remind her who was running this show. He was in control here, and they were all to play their parts at his pleasure. Sakura reached back to twist the fabric of his pants in her fingers, to anchor herself to something. To him.

Genma's deft fingers teased along the lacey boarder at the apex of her thighs, then slipped directly under and lightly along the seam of Sakura's folds. She gasped. He growled. "She's soaking."

Sakura Lemon FFWhere stories live. Discover now