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The first time Kakashi caught his girl checking out another shinobi, he had simply dismissed it. Sakura had been nothing but completely loyal to him ever since they had become entangled in a heated, though unexpected whirlwind romance nearly a year ago, and while the desperate need to be constantly together had cooled down a little bit, the sex had only gotten hotter as he continued to coax Sakura into being more open to trying new things. He trusted her completely and knew that living in a town full of shinobi meant plenty of sculpted male bodies to ogle. So what if Sakura was staring at Yamato's backside appreciatively? He knew that once he got her in the bedroom, he would be the only man on her mind.

However, Kakashi noticed that her temporary team leader seemed to be the only man she ever looked at, besides himself of course. Yet, she never acted on it, never flirting or batting her eyes at him when the three of them managed to find time to go out with Naruto and Sai and catch up on what everyone was up to.

The silver haired jounin still wasn't bothered much. If she was going to let her eyes wander, he was glad it was towards Yamato. They had been buddies back in ANBU even if they hadn't been assigned to the same team and he knew Yamato was fairly straight laced and hardly the womanizing type. If he even noticed Sakura's admiring glances, he never said anything and Kakashi knew he never would. He was a good man who would put their friendship before a night with the pink haired bombshell. If her eyes had been set on Genma, Kakashi would have had cause to be worried.

However, the Copy nin had been completely taken aback when he had let himself into Sakura's apartment after an evening training session to find her sprawled on her bed completely naked, pink hair damp after an apparent shower, with her hand working furiously between her legs. All of this would have been fine except for the name that she was calling as she arched and squirmed atop the messy sheets.


Kakashi had been too shocked to move as he stood in the doorway, watching his girlfriend masturbate to thoughts of another man. Even as the anger began to rise in him, the sight of her naked and flushed and moaning evoked arousal as well, making him unsure of how to act. Should he confront her? Or should he pounce on her and fuck her senseless, driving his friend from her mind with every thrust? He was still debating when she did something else that surprised him. Her second hand straying to her breast and beginning to tug at a hardened nipple as she moaned again.

"Mmm, Kakashi, Yamato, don't stop!"

So, she was fantasizing about a threesome was she? The new development caused his anger to ebb away. He had, after all, encouraged her to be adventurous in the realm of sex, but this was something he had never considered before. Sure he had wondered what it would be like to have Sakura's blonde friend Ino come join them every now and again, but never had he thought of having a threesome with another man. While Kakashi was completely comfortable with himself and his sexuality, he was not gay or bisexual and wasn't sure how he felt about sharing Sakura with another man.

"Kakashi…ugh! Mmm…Kakashi…"

The sound of his name in breathless, needy tones broke through his contemplation. He would have to think about that later. Right now, he had more important matters to attend to, like making sure that when she reached her peak, it was with him inside her.

He began to walk towards her, shedding clothes as he went and the sound of rustling fabric finally alerted her to his presence.

Wide eyed she whipped her hand away from her heated sex and closed her spread thighs, even though it was far too late to cover up what she had been doing.

"Kakashi! I thought you would be getting home later!" she gasped as he advanced on her, pausing only to slide his pants down his legs, leaving him only in a pair of gray boxer briefs which she had to admit was quite an appetizing sight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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