Chapter 12

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After dinner, Zander left and I started to talk with Grace. "Come on sneak out for once and come to the party behind the school." I look at my clock, "It's still 7 how can they be doing anything fun down there." Grace smiled, "We're swimming right now, but the boys have a surprise for later." Turning to my closet then my screen, "Let me see if I can even get out without Dad making a fuss." Grace smiled before hanging up, opening my door I see Mom had dinner wrapped up and dishes washed with her in reading at the dining table.

Dad was in his chair watching the news, I take this as a chance to spark some heated fire. "Mom, Dad look what Sandy sent me from the pack house!" I rush over and show her and her boyfriend. "I'm shocked to see her with a male." Dad said not to my surprise, Mom commented on her outfit, then I said the heat starter, "So, Dad what did mom wear on her first date with you?" now it has begun. Dad and mom tell me about their courtship then dad remembers too well and gets a boner; gross. He takes Mom into their room for some strong old-fashioned three-hour lovemaking and then after sex sleep.

Like clockwork, Dad took Mom to their bedroom, and I changed into something warmer I already knew it would be cooler tonight with the fall quickly approaching. Simple light blue jeans why bother putting on a shirt under Butch's hoodie over my swimsuit. Pull up my hair into a ponytail, and maybe some light makeup. I grab the charger for my Vivi screen and my house keys the last thing I need is Mom checking on me at night and not finding me in my room and in the hall.

Opening my door, I look out, my parents are in their room like they should be. Sneaking through the house I leave and head for the nursery off the lobby. There is a window and back door to a playground with a simple fence to climb over. I dodge everyone in the lobby and the nursery staff has already gone home today.

Once I was out of the building I head for the forest behind the school. Grace was waiting for me, and she smiled, "Oh Esther this is going to be so much fun I don't even remember the last time I drank." I stop, "Wait they made alcohol." Grace nods, "Yeah, I heard down the grapevine that a student from the moon pack used to create the best drinks in the world and even made his own craft beers. I guess he made moonshine though." "Well, that's not going to be any good." Grace giggles while I dread drinking it.

We stumble upon the party finding music made by different bands on Earth and a few good ones from this planet too. Pizza lined the old forgotten picnic tables and some were getting down and dancing while others were still swimming. Others were drinking heavily and like parties seem to do with forced good kid's drugs these so happen to be makeshift blunts. Cigarettes smell like dried oregano and ash here on this planet, but it did the job for some of these guys.

I steer away from the food, unlike my past life, my body wasn't perfect and this life it is and I plan to keep it that way. "Grace let's go swim in the lake!" she nods as we walk past half-drunk guys, and girls enjoying a cigarette after so long. We walk over to the dock lots of guys left their shirts there. "Let's put our stuff in my bag," Grace said as I give a nod.

Stripped we jump off the dock and into the warm yet cool water.

The moonlight was bright and the fire near the food reminded us of the way back home, "So I heard you had to go to the program building today, how was it?" I feel my ears flatten, "I had to get my first pheromone shot today, he also raised my level of F. Pink pill went from 50mg to 150mg. My normal program doctor tried to make it right by explaining that with my 18th birthday coming in the upcoming year I need to get used to it."

Grace nods, "I'm not ready for my checkup it's next week." Sighing we both float until the boys jump into the water calling for a chicken fight. We deiced it was safer to sit on the dock for this one; until some guy bumps into us. "Ow! Watch it!" Grace said as she grabbed her soaked orange tail. "Sorry," he turned to us when I realize who it was. "Damen?" he turns red, "Esther!" he looks down at us or himself and drops into the water more.

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