Chapter 11

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**Part II**

"Good morning welcome to the EXCHANGE Program building, do you have an appointment?" Sighing, "Yes, I am Esther Solis and it is time for my monthly checkup." Looking around the lobby and found many teens and young women sitting in the room. "Ah, I see your menstruation checkup." He held a nasty smirk on his face, the man behind the desk.

This man was nasty, when I started having to come here on my own, he made passes at women and young girls alike. "So, have you finally turned 18 yet? I know you wolves like to start young." I want to gag, "No, not that you'd even be able to enter the complex to get what you want in the first place." He smirked since this was the first time in months talking to him, "Oh why's that?"

I smile, "Because unlike you I have guards at every corner of my life; in the laws of Xen the people of the EXCHANGE still have to follow the rules of this land. I am the only daughter of Alpha Richard II and am the reigning Princess of the Pack my family's blood runs deep to the early clans of Solis. While you are a creature unable to reach the height of a noble because they say birds are impure and unable to love like a mammal."

He stood up ready to slap me, when an alarm went off, my guard Abby ran in while the security of the Program stepped in. "Oliver calm down if you hit her all the funding from the packs will stop and we won't have jobs we'll have to live in 8 or worse 10!" A new receptionist took a seat at the desk. Their long ears of hers were pulled back, the rabbit people seem to have that problem as they got older.

Abby stood in front of me, "Miss, you have to be careful these Program workers have never been the type to work earnestly." Giving Abby a soft smile, "I know; please wait outside the building as the Program requires." Her ears flatten and her tail lowers, Abby joined my life when I turned seven. Even at school Abby was there.

Father and the other men finally got an all-girls school built and it caused a new wave of schooling special tutors were hired and old teachers were either put in the new schools or replaced. After the Program thought it would be good to make a new law. The Wellness Law was a way for the program to keep an eye on us and check on the number of women they made that would have a menstrual cycle.

There was an uproar for the adults who were once the children of the EXCHANGE. They were silenced, in fact, most of them either live within homes where they are shackled to meaningless tasks or they are used to make weapons for the program. When they tried to start brainwashing us harder with a different syrup, my parents and other packs withdrew money from the Program.

There was a short time the Program was nearly shut down with the lack of funding. I remember the day I would be begged by scientists to convince my father to start funding them again. My father and other packs didn't budge for years until the newest leader was put in place. The creature looked human, but there aren't any on this planet, Mother told me that he was from the other continent. He came on tv one day and had two nicely built adult EXCHANGE students on the screen.

His words were like sticky tar, they sounded nice but were evil, and then he did it, 'If we don't have funding anymore, we'll just take away the precious gifts we gave you, just as easily as we gave them.' On-screen he shot both the adults the pack could protect me, but my friends, and all my old teachers were not asked rich as the packs couldn't hire guards to protect themselves. This monkey didn't care he would destroy everything until he got what he wanted.

Sitting down in the lobby chair the door opens, "Oh my I heard we had quieted the commotion down here." Speak of the devil, "I see we have young Miss Solis in the building today. Do you need to see your doctor now so we don't let raging hormones hurt anyone else in this room, I would hate to have you stay here for the night."

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