Chapter 2

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(A/N: This chapter is necessary to read and will be the start of all the action!)


bzzzzzz bzzzzzzz

I groan and slowly roll out of bed, but this time it isn't my alarm clock that's waking me up.

I pick up my phone to see that I had a text message from Monika Koide, head of Markov.

I pick up my phone to see that I had a text message from Monika Koide, head of Markov

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I wonder what this is about...

Oh well, now isn't the time to sit and gawk!

I quickly get ready and head out the door.


After registering at the Markov reception, I join the others in the corner.

It had been a while since Isabelle, Meeko, Scarlet and I have been in the same room together. Now that I think about it, the last time could've been in that office with Whirlwind and Silvia...

"I can't wait to find out what Monika has in store for us!!" Scarlet is beaming as usual.

"Shouldn't we be nervous...?" Meeko questioned Scarlet's optimism.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, let's just get this over and done with!" Isabelle smiles at us all. "What's your take on this, Mika?"

"Um..." I pause to gather my thoughts, "I'm quite surprised by how sudden this is, but I'm sure it can't be that bad."

"Yeah! We've been through much worse, haven't we, guys??" Scarlet punches the air in determination.

We all nod in unison.

I take some time to observe my friends closely. A lot has changed since the incidents of the previous timeline.

Isabelle had cute-ified her appearance a bit, tying her long hair into pigtails and wearing light makeup. She still wore her eye-patch from the accident with Kitsune.

Meeko hadn't changed that much, but he's worn more jewellery and fancy kimonos ever since being reunited with his master. He was also doing very well with speaking, now that his mouth isn't stitched up anymore, not to mention that he decided to come back as a ghost unlike the others who were revived from Trail Enma.

Scarlet grew her hair out a bit and tied it into a high ponytail, but for some reason she still didn't bother to tidy up her fringe. She now has a prosthetic leg due to the injuries from Trail Enma, but she's still sporty and energetic nonetheless.

Meanwhile me, I haven't thought of changing my appearance at all. I still have my usual bangs and mini braids, and I still wear my goth-ified school uniform.


I quickly snap out of my trance and look up. Isabelle was waving her hand in front of my face.

"Hi, a Markov worker is here to assist us."

I laugh nervously, "Oh, sorry!"

She smiles and brings me closer to the others.

The Markov worker wore a long black cloak and high heels, as well as a name tag reading "きつね"


That was the name of the woman who ambushed Izzy and I during the war...I shiver as I remember her cruel face.

The worker mutters something in an unknown language and escorts us to the data room, before leaving.

"They said Monika will be here shortly." Isabelle informs us.

I look around the room. The left of the room was full of computers and devices used for research and the sort, while the right of the room was a huge library.

I take the opportunity to browse one of the computers, the others don't stop me.

Most of the files were locked, apart from basic information, but I decided to look up "Kitsune" out of curiosity.

I scanned through the basic information of her age, birthday, etc. and found a list of people she's experimented on...and it was a long, long list.

Some of the experiments had a small icon next to their name to say that they died during the process of the experimenting.

One of the people with that icon looked quite familiar...

On the list, was none other than Maiko Akuma.

I click on her name and read more into it, apparently she died in the experiment room right across from the one I saved Meeko from...

Does that mean...

I could've saved h...

"Monika's here!" Scarlet alarmed me as Monika enters the room with a small tray in hand.

I rush back to the center of the room to greet Monika.


We finish setting out some tables and chairs to begin the meeting.

"Hello everyone." Monika begins, "It's a pleasure to have you all here today."

The 4 of us nod politely.

"You must all be very nervous and confused as to why I called you here as a group," She explains, "But I must ensure you that you need not worry."

"Why are we here?" Scarlet leans forward in her seat, full of excitement, "Is it a party?"

Monika laughs, "Kind of." causing Scarlet to gasp happily.

"Anyway, I must confess," She continues, "It's been a while since the incident you all went through in the previous timeline, and I wanted to have a short, sweet tea party in order to collect some information and to see how you're all coping."

"Huh!?!??" Isabelle's jaw drops, "That's nicer than I expected!"

"YAY!! TEA PARTY TEA PARTY!" Scarlet chants in glee.

Meeko and I laugh and begin helping Monika pour the tea.


The conversation goes back and forth between Monika and us. She asks a question, we all give our honest answer or opinion, and she jots it all down.

I relax in my seat and take a big gulp of tea.

The warm sensation travels down my throat and puts a smile on my face.

But my comfort is suddenly interrupted as the strong aftertaste starts to overwhelm my taste buds. this...?

I look around at the others and see the same puzzled expressions on their faces, until I start to struggle seeing in general.

My vision goes blurry...

and I black out.

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