Chapter 9

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... I?

Oh, right.

I was lying in a tent in the middle of Kage forest.


I rub the sleepy out of my eyes and do a big stretch. The first thing to catch my attention is a form of tightness around my thigh, where my wound is.

I look down to see it neatly bandaged up...but I don't remember doing that myself.

I lift my head and I'm unexpectedly faced with Isabelle, sleeping in the corner of the tent with a roll of bandages in her hand.

Ah, she must've done it for me.

I then realize that I have a goofy smile planted on my face.

Embarrassed, I snap out of it and get changed before stepping outside. It was still dark and creepy, despite it being "morning".

Or at least I thought it was morning, everyone else was fast asleep inside their tents.

After some brief pondering, I decide to go for a stroll.

Maybe if I encounter any traps or faults on the path ahead, I can warn the others.

So, I walk. Alone.


The more I walked, the more eerie the atmosphere seemed.

Yes, the atmosphere of Kage forest has always been scary...but something just seemed off.

I turn around.


The path was different, and huge trees were stopping me from going back.

It wasn't like that before...

Then, something in my brain clicked, and I realized what had happened.

The forest just shifted.


Okay, Mika...don't panic...

There has to be some way to get back to the camp, so I continue walking.

But the more I walked, the more I felt apprehensive.

I turn around.


Isabelle stood there, with her usual welcoming smile stretched across her face.

"You okay, Mika??"

I rub my was definitely her, "Wh-when did you get here?!"

She laughs, "I was always here, silly!"

Before I could reply, she suddenly disappears and a hand touches my shoulder, causing me to turn around again.

"Oi, gorgeous! You look spooked, everything good?" Luna was now there, grinning and chuckling.


She reaches forward to pat my shoulder, but disappears as well.

I frantically look around, what's going on???

Suddenly, another figure appears before my eyes...but this time, it was my first time seeing her in person.

Her green and red eyes twinkle in the light and her long, majestic, red hair dances in the wind.

"Are you all right, dear?" May asks softly, "Is your anxiety acting up again?"

Without thinking, I launch myself forward to hug her, but as expected, she disappears.

And I tumble to the ground, eyes welling up with tears as I pass out for the umpteenth time.



It doesn't take me long to wake up due to a pulsing pain in my head.

I manage to gain strength in my legs and stand up straight.

My entire body was aching, and I could tell that I wasn't in the forest anymore.

So...where the hell am I? I don't recall any buildings being in Kage forest.

I extend my arm and walk forward until I feel my hand touch the wall.

The wall has a strange texture...but, nonetheless, I trace my hand along it before I feel the light switch.


I flinch as the room is suddenly filled with a dim light.

After adjusting my eyes to the brand new surroundings, I notice that the walls were covered in what looks like blood...and so was my hand.

I wipe my palm on my skirt in attempt to get most of the disturbing substance off.

The rest of the room wasn't very pleasant either. It almost looked like some kind of torture room...

A large hammer was tucked in the corner of the room, it's surface was burnt for some strange reason.

Anyway, there's no time to waste. I have to get back to the others.

I climb a ladder up to the ground floor of this mysterious building.

Most of the entrance was completely demolished, possibly burned, but I could tell that it was an abandoned cottage.

But I don't see why anyone would want to live in Kage forest of all places...

Whatever. I decide to explore the place, maybe it could give me some clues to what's going on.

As I'm walking, I pass a room with a makeshift meeting table and a whiteboard. The board was covered in various gruesome plans, in the same childish handwriting I encountered in Markov.

I proceed to the second floor, to investigate the bedrooms.

A large chunk of the floor to the largest bedroom had collapsed, so I didn't risk trying to enter.

From what I could see, it looked like a kids room with 3 beds, only 2 of them looking used. There was a dollhouse next to the farthest bed with a letter I on it.

I make my way to the other bedroom, which could be entered easily.

It seemed to be the bedroom of a middle aged woman.

It was a more empty, minimalist room, so the only place I could explore for clues is the chest of drawers.

On top is a photo frame of Mayor Lily Ava, somebody had their arm around her, but it's impossible to make out who it is.

Inside the drawers are various children's drawings and mother's day cards, as well as a ripped diary page blabbing about some girl named Maisie. sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Anyway, I return to the ground floor, but as I pass the meeting room...

I see a pair of bright orange eyes flash before my vision.

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