Chapter 5

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I was woken up by the most annoying noise ever. My alarm clock. I groaned loudly, picking up my fluffy pillow and putting it against my head hoping it would drown out the sound of my alarm clock. Unfortunately that didn't work.

So I decided I should just stop being lazy and start getting ready for school. I grabbed my towel and ran to the bathroom before my brother could beat me to it. I was still mad at him from what he said a few days ago.

We only have 2 bathrooms in my house, one for my parents, and a Jack and Jill bathroom for me and Bob to share which sucks because a girl needs her privacy.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I combed the knots out of my wet hair. Then ran back into my room to pick out my outfit.

I decided on a violet skirt and a black blouse. I pulled on a pair of black flats to go with my outfit. Then headed downstairs to eat some breakfast.


By the time school ended I was completely exhausted. I just wanted to go home and sleep forever without anyone bothering me. That sure does sound nice.

But I had to go over to Pony's and tutor him. I walked to his locker to see him getting his books out of his locker.

"Ready to go?" I asked.
"Uh yeah, I just have to get something in the janitor's closet for Two-bit" he tells me while shutting his locker.
"Alright let's get it" I said.

We were walking to the janitor's closet in silence. The hallways were completely empty now. As we reached the closet, Pony reached for the door knob and turned it. He entered the closet and starting searching for whatever he was looking for. I entered too.

"Where's the damn light?" Ponyboy asked. I spotted the light switch so I walked towards it to flick it on.

Ponyboy then started to say "Whatever you do don't let the door-" the door shut pretty harshly. "close" he finished saying.
"Please don't tell me it's locked" I whined.

I started banging on the door.
"Help, help! I'm locked in here" I shouted banging on the door as hard as I could "Is there anyone out there?" I kept on yelling until I realized that no one was going to hear me.

I turned to to look at Ponyboy to see him staring at the floor.
"Did you do this on purpose?" I asked accusingly.

"What! No, of course not!" Pony said.

I leaned against the door and slid down on the cold floor.

"Hey, look I'm sorry, I should have warned you before about the door" Ponyboy said making his way over to sit next to me. I looked into his sincere gray eyes and there was no way I could stay mad at him.

"It's okay, it's not your fault" I replied giving him a small smile.

"So what do we do now?" Pony asked.
"We study!" I said cheerfully.

"Fine" he grumbled.

We studied for about an hour. Every once and a while we yelled and banged on the door for help.

"So all you have to do is find sin, cos, and tan for angle A and angle C in the triangle" I said

"Can we stop now we've been studying for what feels like forever?" Ponyboy asked.
"Okay, what do you want to do?" I said.
"How about that question game?" He suggested

I thought about, what if he asks me something I'm insecure about or feel uncomfortable about? Or what if he asks perverted questions?

"C'mon I'll be nice" he said biting his lips. He looked so hot doing that.

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