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Giselle and Trent had always hated each other, it was a fact almost every one at school knew. Anytime they were near each other they would glare or when they talked they always bickered or argued.

So it was no surprise when first thing on Monday morning Giselle was slamming her locker closed when Trent smiled and said something to her.

"God, do you ever shut up?" Giselle said rolling her eyes and attempting to walk away.

"Hey that's not very nice love," Trent says quickly blocking her path by leaning on the lockers next to her. He had a lollipop in his mouth that added to his jerk demeanor.

Now, even though they both hated each other Trent always flirted with Giselle, it was his way of ticking her off because she hated it (and him). Usually as a result Giselle would just curse at him and roll her eyes which he loved.

"Can you move, I need to get to class," Giselle tried to go around Trent but he stops her by putting his hand out once again blocking her.

"Now now why are you in such a rush? Do you not wanna talk to me?" he exclaims dramatically.

"Honestly no, I really don't" Trent smirks and takes the candy in his mouth out.

"You're always in such a sour mood, I think you need to be more sweet" Trent says licking his lips, stalking closer to the shorter girl. He looked her up and down before sticking his lollipop in the girls mouth, walking away waving his hand. Giselle stands there stunned, not at the fact that he said that but at the fact that she had a lollipop in her mouth that was just in his not even a minute ago.

Just before Trent is out of sight he yells, "You better have that lollipop in your mouth by the end of the day or else!" Giselle's face flushes and she takes the lollipop out of her mouth. I should throw it away right? But he told me to keep it, I don't know if I should. No that would be weird.

As Giselle stands there contemplating what to do the bell rings and she sprints to class, popping the lollipop in her mouth and not having a single thought about it.
"Wait a minute, let me get this straight. He put it in your mouth after???" Ben, Giselles best friend asks.

"YES! Can you believe him? I swear he makes me so mad-"

Ben interrupts, "Hold on why do you still have it in your mouth?"

Giselle looks at Ben and then mumbles, "He told me to keep it til the end of the day.." She was avoiding his eyes, and he gave her a knowing look.

"And your gonna listen?! Wow okay I see you." Giselle rolls her eyes and laughs, "I mean I don't see why I shouldn't, it's not a big deal" she says shrugging.

"Yeah except you technically had an indirect kiss." Giselle stands up and screeches "it doesn't count! That doesn't even make sense!!"

"if it doesn't, then why are you freaking out?" Ben says smiling at her. "You're such a know it all, enough about this let's talk about your day"

Break passes quickly while Ben and Giselle chatter about all sorts of things besides Trent and his lollipop. Classes end and before Giselle knows it it's already time for lunch.

Giselle walks with her tray deciding what to get to eat when Trent strolls next to her. "Great" she says with fake enthusiasm.

"I know your so happy to see me" he says smirking at her. "so do you still have my lollipop?" He asks while he grabs some jello.

"This might shock you but I don't listen to everything you tell me to do, I threw it away." She looked elsewhere to avoid talking about the topic any longer.

Trent puts his hand into Giselles back pocket which throws her off. Then he pulls out his lollipop which is in a little wrapper. "There's no need to lie, I'm glad you know how to listen to instructions" he whispers in her ear then drops the lollipop on her tray and walks towards his friend's table.

Giselle takes a few moments to process what just happened then she walks to her table and just sits there. "Are you good? Your face is like really red," Ben notices and asks with confusion. Giselle stares at Trent with his friends. Watching him laughing and talking like he didn't just do any of that a few moments ago.

Ben follows her gaze to Trent and then let's out an airy laugh, "Ohh okay I get it now, the hate has turned into love" just as Ben says those words Trent catches Giselle looking at him and he winks.

Giselle flips her head to Ben "No! That's not what's happening at all, gross."

Ben completely unconvinced says, "suree." As Giselle stabs her food with her fork and shoved the lollipop back in her pocket.
Eventually school ends and Giselle is back at her locker where she was in the morning. "Let's see if you kept your word," a voice behind Giselle says and she doesn't even have to turn around to know who it is.

"I don't know why you gave me this lollipop if you were gonna take it back, I had it in my mouth almost the whole day so what's the point of this?" Trent smiles when she says she had it in her mouth the whole day.

"Good" he says before turning Giselle to face him and leaning forward so their faces are only inches apart. " I wanted to taste the sweetness on your lips" Giselle doesn't move at all, she doesn't make a move to push him or anything. She can feel his hot breath and that's when her arms wrap around his neck and pull him in, closing the space between them.

Trent kisses her back roughly and his hands find her waist. Just as I thought she tastes sweet.

Giselle finally pulls away to catch her breath then she takes the lollipop out of her pocket, a smaller version of what it once was. She licks it, keeping eye contact with the boy she 'hates' and pops it in his mouth. "You better have that lollipop tomorrow," Giselle says before walking away leaving Trent smiling ear to ear.

"Touché" he mutters under his breath.


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