Chapter 2

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The next morning Snowstar was laying in bed pondering about the hybrid that she saw the day before. Who was their parents,what seawing and rainwing 
Would get together? She got up and walked out of her house and went to the shore where she had seen the dragon the day before. I wonder if she will show up again.
She waited for about thirty minutes,and no one showed up. They might be busy.
She got up and flew back to her house. As she walked in the door her mom said
"There you are! We need to get going" "now?" Snowstar asked, "Yes,now you need to go get your stuff," Moon said. Snowstar nodded and went to her room. She walked to her desk and picked up her bag and ran toward the door. 
        "Got it!" Snowstar said. "Ok good, now we need to get going," Moon said.
Winter walked out the door and said, "Ok I'm ready, now let's go," 
They lifted off and started to fly, Snowstar was right behind them. 
She could see other families going too.
I wonder if she will be there.
After a while of flying she saw the peak of jade mountain.
I'm really here. 
     Once they finally  got to jade mountain. Snowstar could feel the rocks and dirt under her talons. Ugh it's that sarcastic sandwing, Winter thought.
Who? "Hey igloo face!" A sandwing said. "I said don't call me that! Camel kisser" Winter grumbled. Why does that sandwing look so familiar? "Oh, hi Qibli," Moon said.
Oh, I'm such an ice head, that's uncle Qibli! Two sandwings ran up too Qibli and said,"Father, we need to go!" They looked around Snowstar's age. The one that spoke looked at Snowstar and said,"Oh, Hi my name is Mirage,and this is my brother viper," She flicked her tail at her brother. "Oh, well, hi Mirage," Snowstar said. 
      Moonwatcher looked up and said,"Oh, Winter we need to get going, we're meeting with Queen Glory soon!" "Sorry, I'd like to chat,But we really need to get going" She kissed Snowstar on the forehead and said, "we will come visit I promise"
"See you later!" Moon said. Then, Moon and Winter flew away out of sight.
"I need to get going too" Qibli said, he waved and flew off.Snowstar looked into the cave. She took a deep breath and walked inside.
       Snowstar was walking and saw a purple and black nightwing with teardrop scales. "Hi, I am Fatespeaker, you are Snowstar right?" The nightwing asked.
"Yes,"Snowstar answered. "Well, here is your schedule, and your map," Fatespeaker Said giving Snowstar two scrolls. "Thanks," Snowstar said.
She put the schedule scroll in her pouch and looked at her map to find the cave she was going to live in for the next months and walked deeper in the cave.
She went to her cave and put her stuff on her bed.
       She decided to put her stuff on the bed that she wanted when a dragon walked in. It's that funny looking nightwing, the dragon thought. Snowstar turned around and saw the hybrid that she saw at the shore. "I think we have met before," Snowstar said. She was a tealish color with bioluminescent scales, she had the rainwing ruffles behind her ears, she had fangs, She also had gills, the rainwing facial features, and her back scales went from the rainwing scales and faded into fins. Her colors was a light yellow a light pink,Some blue here and there and teal as the base.
     "Um, are you a hybrid?"Snowstar asked. She nodded and said,"my parents are Kinkajou and Turtle," "Oh, then why haven't I seen you before we met at the shore?"   Snowstar asked.
"I am usually with auntie anemone, when my parents are busy." The dragon answered. "Well ok, my name is Snowstar what's yours?" Snowstar asked.
"Marina," the dragonet replied. Then a black dragon walked in. Ugh it's probably a nightwing.  But she looked different. Is she also a hybrid? She had dark purple scales and black spikes like an icewing's, orange flaming eyes, and one nasty scar on her tail and another on one of her wings. She also had a bracelet and an earring.
     Are they both hybrids, maybe I won't be the only one, the dark blue and white one also looks like a nightwing icewing hybrid, the new dragon thought. 
"Um, are you a nightwing icewing hybrid too?" The new dragon asked. 
"Yes I- ow!" Snowstar yelled. She fell to the ground and a massive headache was forming. She closed her eyes and the darkness found her.

Edit: The other nightwing/icewing hybrid that's name is Nightfire is not mine she belongs to -Zinniasky-
I have permission from her to use her Character in my book.

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