Belief in a volcanic champion

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A few days have passed. I've learned from Henry that the Power family gave him two million dollars to spend on anything he wants. I didn't think that the rich could do that. Ruby Scarlet had the family pay so that they could make it up for kicking Gavin, Henry, and another V20 citizen. I believe that Gavin and the citizen received two million dollars each. In all that time, I haven't seen Terence or his family lately. Today was the day before Volcanic Champion Day. It usually happens every twelve of February. From what I've heard from my friends, the day is supposed to be remembered that a champion would come and make sure that the volcano would never erupt again. More people believe in this myth lately since they know the monsters from the V20 myths are true, and that they had damaged their city. Somehow, they've learned from somebody that the volcano is actually a lava lord. I couldn't believe how fast the news is spreading throughout the city.

Dad and I were getting ourselves ready for another day at work and at school. I can't wait to see my friends again. I remembered eating French toast with my dad. Then we went to the stairwell. Speaking of stairwells, I remembered seeing them in different districts. These stairs might lead to the Lower District. Or they might be going to floors that are located in different districts. This city might be too big to hold businesses with just one floor. Each district might have about three floors each. That excludes the Residential District. Since it has to hold many condominiums. Going through the stairwell feels pretty peaceful. Since we don't have to see the Power family for a while. I don't know what they've been up to. Dad and I met Gavin and Henry on our way. "Hello you two." My father commented with positive energy. "Hello Mr. Yates." Henry spoke. "Hello Mr. Yates." Gavin stated. "Are you going to be having a great day at school?" My father pondered. "We are going to be having a great day at school ever since we don't have to see the Power family again." Henry mentioned. "Same here. Maybe that family might get kicked out." Gavin theorized. "I don't know what's going to happen to that family myself. Though they have caused a lot of trouble for everybody." My father remarked. We arrived at school just in time. "See you later Dad." I spoke as I gave him a hug. "I hope to see you for supper tonight Kadence." Dad adduced. I had a calm morning at the special needs class. I was working on some assignment papers from my grade with the other special needs students. They were focusing hard on their papers. I couldn't help but notice something in Henry's eyes. They were giving off a vermillion like color.

I don't know if he was doing it when nobody else was looking. Though it did seem pretty strange. At lunch time, I sat down with my friends. We were talking about Volcanic Champion Day. "So what do we have to do for this day?" I interrogated. "All we have to do is create some things that represent the champion that would one day save the people from the volcano." Gretel answered. "You mean make some things out of clay that could represent the chosen hero that would come and save the city from the terrible rage of the lava lord." Gavin contended. "Yes. The funny part about that is that I remembered creating an entire volcano out of clay. I got into trouble for doing that." Gretel revealed as her face blushed. "A volcanic champion. How do we know who a volcanic champion is?" I quizzed. "It's a bit easy Kadence. A volcanic champion must have vermillion colored eyes that could change into a light purple. The light purple would be the champion's new eye color. The champion is supposed to do great things such as face monsters and supernatural evils. This person should also save people from a supernatural evil. The only other criteria that the volcanic champion should have is that he would draw his own symbol in any of his works of art." Gavin responded. "What kind of a symbol would that be?" Henry wondered. "It's a symbol of a crystal with four points at the top." Gavin answered. Thinking of the volcanic champion made me think of Henry. I didn't think it was an accident that I saw him with vermillion eyes. "Gavin, when did the myth of a volcanic champion came to be?" I queried. "This myth is reputed to have been told from the lava walkers. But nobody knows if that rumor is true. I can tell you that the people of V20 had gotten a hold of this rumor from a stranger who visited this city just ten days after it was built." Gavin responded. "I wasn't sure if I am supposed to believe that. After school was done, Gavin went home by himself. Henry and I were on our own. "Do you know who could be a volcanic champion?" Henry asked me. I shook my head. "If I had seen somebody with vermillion eyes and have faced a lot of supernatural baddies. I would have known that." I replied. "Well, I have an idea about that Kadence." Henry divulged. We were only halfway to the stairwell when he told me about that.

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