Chapter two

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We all scream as the car screeches to a stop. We all get out as the guys from the house grab Erin and shoot the person on the road.

I scream and Mac grabs my shoulder yelling at them. They lead us to a metal capsule and tell us to get in and that it will help Erin.

We nervously enter and I stay close to Max the whole time. "You ok Princess?" Mac whispers.
"Not the time for a nickname Mac!" She shrugged and we all feel the machine shudder and wobble.

Suddenly it comes crashing down and we're forced to leave. We practically fall out of the machine as gun shots go of everywhere.

"Where are we? Why is it light!" I scream as the people from the machine pull out guns of there own and start to fire.

Me and Mac run behind a tree as Tif helps Erin up to a bush. KJ hides behind a tree near us.

They carry on shorting and we start running through the woods ducking down behind a bush as the men start shouting g some more. "Erin run!" I shout as Erin hides somewhere near us.

I grab Macs hand as we move again to a more hidden place as we watch the guys that brought us here die. Tif goes up to one of them and gets handed a strange disc.

As we're hiding a man comes up to us and looks down holding his gun. Without thinking I grab KJs hockey stick she had and wack him over the head.

I keep hitting him as Mac says "I think you've got him" I look down. My white jumper is now stained red and my hands are coated in his blood.

I drop to my knees and start to shake him. I can't think straight, I've just done this. The man doesn't stir. "Wake up, wake up, wake up! I didn't do this I couldn't have wake up!"

Mac grabs my shoulder trying to pry me from him. "We need to go he'll be fine but we need to go" She says as calm as she can but her voice shakes.

Tears role down my face as I get up and we run following Erin. I think to her gun wound shocked at her running but remember the men in the metal capsule seemed to be doing something that was helping her.

We ran to what she said was her house, the sun was going down by this ping and dusk had fallen. We open her door and run in.

Erin freezes looking around. Things looked different, I had never seen Erin's house but this was strangely modern and new looking. She had a large flat tv in her living room I had never even seen before. It looked out of a si fi film and I felt uneasy.

Erin are you sure this is your house?" I say my breath shaky and my stutter coming back. "Yeah it is" she says as a lady comes down the stairs holding a bat and staring at us.

"Why are you in my house!" She said as Erin shook her head. I looked at the fridge and saw pictures of the lady, but also Erin.

"Is that your mom?" I ask dreading the response.
"No it's not" she said back. And then it hit me, that women must be Erin.

The lady runs upstairs as we all look around. Erin walks over to a display as I walk to the kitchen pulling myself onto the counter.

Mac comes over to me leaning Marc to me. She was almost as tall as me with me on the counter. "You've got a little something on your top" she says staring down at me sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes "o-once again not the t-t-time" I said grabbing my forehead and breathing out. "I didn't know you had a stutter?" she says surprised.

I took a deep breath before talking this time and spoke slowly "usually I don't, I had a speech therapist when I was younger which helped me with it. But it comes out when I'm nervous, which is now so..." I said looking up at her.

She was about to speak but Erin ran upstairs as I hopped off the counter walking over to the other two. "What happened?"

I said as Tiff looks at the display. "Her mom, she died" Tiff says as we all look at the photo of her mum sitting on the display.

Mac walked over to the fridge and got out a fruit pouch. "Really Mac?!" I ask shocked.
"What? I'm thirsty" she says taking a sip. I go over to take it off her and grab it pulling.

"Hey!" She says pulling it back and squeezes it. Juice goes all over me staining my jumper even more.

"Shit!" I say. I freeze putting a hand over my mouth. Not again. My top was ruined now and I kept swearing, my stutter had come back, we're in a strangers house, I killed someone, we don't know where we are.

I drop the fruit pouch and run out the front door. I keep running not stopping and not knoeing where I'm going. Looking around the town it's clear this isn't what it usually is.

We really are in the future. I run down to the park and am glad to still see a park standing where it use to although it's changed.

I sit in a swing and start crying. I start breathing deeply as I gra y cross necklace and shut my eyes crying.

Suddenly, someone puts a hand in my shoulder making me jump. "Shit are you ok?" Mac asks breathing heavily and her face slightly pink from running after me.

I open my mouth to speak but just start crying again. She grabs my shoulders firmly and kneels infront of me. "Take a breath" she says as I breath quickly.

"Your ok, alright? Nothings going to happen your with me we're safe" she nods as I nod with her. "Look I'm sorry about the juice and your jumper, we need to head back though the other Erin was coming down the stairs were sleeping there tonight. Can you come back?"

I nod whipping my tears away. "Your ok princess" she says as I speak for the first time.

"Don't. call. me. that" I get out stuttering a bit. She laughs slightly as she puts her arm around my shoulder walking me back.

Crossed paths - Mac Coyle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now