Chapter three

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When we got back I borrowed a t shirt and shorts of older Erin which hung of me loosely. Mac refused to borrow anything which I was confused about.

We all set up for the night in Erin's living room, I slept on the floor near an arm chair Mac had accompanied. The girls started talking about previous pets they had wonder as Mac listened to her Walkman.

I layer, looking up at the ceiling. What's happened to me, in the future I mean. Do I have a nice Rick husband, volunteer at the church, stay at home cooking for my kids. That's what my parents want.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realised. That's not what I want. The others were asleep by now as I shut my eyes trying to not think about the future.

I jump, hearing the front door slam shut. Curiously I walk to the door peering out the window next to it. Mac. She was riding her bike down a road.

Without thinking I tugged on my shoes and followed her, creeping behind bushes to avoid being seen.

She stopped at a strange place, near nothing special. I walk closer behind her and say softly "Mac?".

She jumps out her skin holding up a rench ready to hit me. I put my hands up in defence and shout "Mac it's just me geez calm down!" She drops the metal her face stony.

"You shouldn't creep up on people!" I nod sitting down opposite her on a different bench. "What is this place anyway?" She doesn't look at me, just stared straight ahead.

"My house" I look at her to see if she was joking. "Well and school, my neighbourhood" I look around at what was now demolished.

"I'm sorry Mac" She looks at me for the first time, her eyes were blank. "The only thing better than this is if I got to see it destroyed" I didn't know what to say to this so I avoided her eyes and looked around again.

"Are you curious to know what happened to you?" I asked.
"Not really. I'm not smart, I don't have a talent like the rest of you. If I'm right I'm living in some new shit hole with my useless husband doing nothing for myself" I examine her features.

Her soft skin, olive coloured eyes, pink lips. Pretty lips. Kissable lips. I stood up looking away. "I'm sure that won't happen" I go to walk off not knowing what this strange feeling was that had come over me.

"Your going?" she said. She sounded hurt slightly and less numb than before. I turn back around taking a seat next to her this time. "What do you think happened to you?" She asks.

"Probably the sake with you, except a Christian partner and annoying brats for kids and a stupid white clean house" Mac laughs suddenly.

"That sounds like your dream isn't it?" I stare at her straight in the eyes. She looks at me slightly alarmed as I slowly shake my head. "No. No it's not my dream" I shiver in the cold weather and my shorts and tshirt.

"What would you do with yourself if you had the choice?" Mac asks me. I thought about her question. A question I hadn't really taken in. My choice, not my parents mine.

"I'd travel for a bit, explore mountains and ancient buildings. I might do some work abroad if I can. And then I'd settle down in a cabin in the woods or a lake house or a cute town house with a dog or cat. Maybe write a book that would be cool! Except, none of that is going to happen" I look at the ground feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me.

"What about you?" I ask. Mac thinks about the question and then with the same enthusiasm as me says "what you said sounds epic, I'd like to learn to play guitar maybe write some songs"

"Hey! you can write music and songs and I'll write books" I said laughing. She nods happily "yeah we can be famous and life together with a cat and a dog in a town house" I stop laughing.

Living together, two girls. It sounded wrong and implausible. I shook my head getting up "this was a mistake, I shouldn't have come out but I need to get back" I begin to walk away again shaking from the cold and from confusion.

"What Princess come back! Did I say something wrong?"
"I told you not to fucking call me that Mackenzie! Now fuck off stop talking to me you, you, freak!" I shouted at her confusion and fear pumping through me.

I hated her and her talk of girls living together, o hated her stupid cropped hair like a boys and her brothers clothes.

I hated her stupid lips and funny laugh. I can't stand being around her and knowing she's a girl, I wish she was a boy. A kind Christ loving boy. Maybe then my future would be different, I could be happier.

I stormed off back to Erin's tears pecking my eyes and falling like blood as I slam the front door and lay down hiding my face.

I couldn't sleep, and later awake for ages before eventually hearing the front door slam shut and someone laying on the chair next to me. I keep my eyes shut tight not wanting to accidentally open them.

I thought of Mac and felt a song of guild for what I said and did. She didn't mean to say the wrong thing I was just feeling weird.

So I turn to face her and hesitantly whisper "Mac? I don't know if your asleep but, I'm sorry for getting mad it's not your fault" I waited to see if she'd stir. But nothing.

"Goodnight Mac" I said curling back onto my sleeping bag and grabbing my necklace stroking it slightly and hoping tomorrow I would feel less shitty.

Crossed paths - Mac Coyle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now