Chapter four

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I woke up with my eyelids heavy and head pounding. I opened my eyes looking around to find the room empty. "Hello is anyone there?" I yelled panicked before a voice called over to me appearing from the stairs.

"Relax prin- Grace your fine, they went out to do some stuff I volunteered to stay back so you could get some more sleep" Mac said looking down at the floor as she fiddled with her Walkman.

"Thank you" I said awkwardly. "Look Mac about yesterday- I'm sorry I was acting shitty for no reason" She laughed a bit as I looked at her confused. She walked over to me looking down at where I sat. Her face had gone stony as she said in a loud but emotionless voice

"that's the thing with you privileged princesses, you say what you like and get away with it. Wanna know why? Because your rich and pretty and it's fucking unfair. Yeah you were acting shitty for no reason yesterday but I don't care unlike you I have thick skin, but I'm not forgiving you because that just proves the point you don't face consequences"

I stare at her shocked. My stomach sunk and I felt embarrassed as well as even worst than I did when Mac came in yesterday. "My life's not as perfect as you may think Mac"

"Oh! Im so sorry you got the wrong coloured pony for your birthday! You wanna know what I got for my birthday? A pack of fags and a punch from my brother for taking his Walkman so don't talk to me about problems ok?" She was mad, infuriated, and as I stood up wasn't making distance between us.

"Just because my parents make money doesn't mean my life is fucking perfect! Im not as happy in this life as you think"

"Yeah your life sucks, you pretty rich Christian girl with half the guys in our school fighting over you for who knows what reason"

This hurt the most as I felt my heart sink. "You know? Maybe you should go fuck one of those boys then you might feel better, that's what everyone thinks about you anyway huh? Around town? In our school."

"Fuck you Mac!" I screamed at her walking off to the bathroom. "Oh yeah run away baby!" I sat against the bathroom door covering my ears silent tears rolling down my face.

She didn't know me, know what my life was like. Know how my parents treat me terribly. How if I put on an extra pound the cupboards are locked. But then at the same time, for her birthday she got a packet of cigarettes and a punch?

I felt bad for her she didn't deserve that but at the same time she was being unfair. I looked at my cross necklace that hung around my neck.

I thought about wether I believed in god. My mom and dad did but at the same time I never felt as connected as the people in my church and family.

In that time I felt so angry all of a sudden, if there was a god out there he was letting us all be hunted and taken to the future and given Mac a shitty family and same with me.

I scared at the necklace that had meant so much to my mother. And with one swift movement, I tore it off throwing it across the bathroom screaming as I did.

It hit the side of the shower loudly and fell as if it was mocking me. I faced the mirror and stared at my reflection. The once perfect neat girl now looking like I'd just crawled out of Frankenstein.

I searched the draws for a hairbrush and finally found one alongside scissors, hair spray and an old soap.

I pulled the brush through my untidy hair as it hung loosely and chaotically. I looked at the scissors in the draw and pulled them out.

I couldn't, my mom would go mad. However I did.

I stood their cutting alongside my shoulders as. Hair fell to the ground covering the white tile. I looked at my appearance and felt a smile on my cheeks. This felt better.

I walked out the bathroom seeing Mac laying on the sofa her headphone in. She looked up as I approached her and took her headphones out slowly, captivated. She looked in shock.

"Your hair it's, it's different" she said, in amazement at first but stony for the second part trying to hold in her surprise.

"Thanks for noticing, princess" I said laughing at her expression as I got a drink. "You can't get a hair cut and become cocky" She told me crossing her arms.

"Listen, I am sorry for the other night ok? And what happened earlier. But we're in the future this isn't the time to be mad at each other" She looked me up and down and sighed.

"Fine yeah your right, maybe I was a bit wrong about you but that's yet to be confirmed" I smiled drinking my water but accidentally jolted, my drink spilling down my front.

"Shit!" I said grabbing a tear towels and trying to dry it. "What happened to you? You having an identity crisis or something?" Mac asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"
"I mean you cut your hair, got rid of the cross around you neck and now your swearing? Look I'm all for being free but take it down a notch princess or you'll combust or some shit"

I looked at her before laughing. "I'm not having an identity crisis. I've just realised I don't want to spend my life trying to be what my mom wants and waste my teenage years. This time is meant for screwing up"

She nodded "your right, but like I don't know, make sure it's what you want not anyone else" she looked down blushing a bit as I smirked.

"Is the Mac Coyle blushing?" She rolled her eyes and walked away.

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