Chapter five

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The others got back all angry and and emotional, at each other and in Erin's case, at themselves. Tiff and KJ acknowledge my hair warmly and now I sat on the edge of the bathtub, my feet in the bathtub, as KJ evens out my hair for me.

"So why did you desire to cut it?" She asks softly brushing it out to see where the uneven bits are. "I think I just got sick of it" I said but when I really thought about it, it's becuase of the amount of time my mum would pull my hair when angry at me or run her bony hands through whenever she felt like.

My hair didn't feel like it was mine, it felt owned by my mother. And I hated it, I wanted something that was apart of me and what I wanted. And besides, although I'd never suit Macs short hair I liked it.

Mac. I didn't understand why she had the effect on me she did. She was perfect in such an imperfect way. I hated it but I also loved it.

"Penny for your thoughts?" KJ asked softly. I sighed deeply. "I'm not really sure what I'm thinking, worrying about future me I guess" I lied.

"Same" she lowered the scissors and started talking "My whole life so far has been leading up to me now, it feels strange. I don't want to know what happened to me though because if it's anything like what my mom had planned for I don't want it" She exclaimed.

I turned around energetically. "Same! I was always so sure my mom was right about what I should be like but seeing how different people are now I'm not so sure"

KJ tidies up mt hair as I have a quick shower washing the hair off my shoulders. I put on a different t shirt and kept on my old skirt still.

I dried my hair that went curly from the water and joined the others. They had been introduced to a google, they could search up anything they wanted and it would tell them the answer.

Mac had taken it away to the stairs as I sat bellow her. "What are you looking up" She was focused and said, her eyes still on the screen "my brother, he's a doctor! Can you imagine that?" My eyes widen "no way that's great, what about you" She rolls her eyes. "I've already had my turn, here look up yourself or something"

I stare at the screen and begin to type my name but Erin appears and grabs my wrist as Mac follows. "We're leaving here, my older self is useless"

"What are you sure?" I say pulling on my shoes Mac behind me. "Yes now let's go" me and Zack swap a look before following the others out. We walk behind them as it gets dark and they lead us down a path.

"You didn't get to look yourself up" Mac says staring me up and down. "You do enough of that" I say absentmindedly but stopping when I realised what I said.

I raised a hand to my face. "Shit sorry I didn't mean to say that" Mac starts laughing and puts a hand on my shoulder "it's fine don't piss yourself"

We continue to walk and find the old mall. "My mom would never let me go here! She said all the useless junk was not what god would've wanted" I said going on one of the old child's rides and looking around in amazement.

"Your mom sounds like she needs to get laid" Mac said as she sat on one next to me. We all talked for a bit Mac revealing she was to broke for stuff from here. Suddenly, the guys break out in an argument, pushing and shoving each other.

"Hey stop!" I say as Mac walks off to find her brother. I look between the two groups, but follow Mac running to catch up.

"Mac please let's go with everyone it's safer we shouldn't split up"
"You go where you want princess but I'm firing my brother" I sigh but follow her.

We go to the hospital it said her brother worked at and wait in the reception for him. He appears at last, and Mac sits down with him for a meal as I go to the bathroom instead.

I wash my face looking at my reflection again. I can't believe this is me, my hair, the clothes. Maybe this is what future me looks like.

I walk out the bathroom and see Mac with a random woman. "Hey what's going on?" I ask as Macs face is cold and stony. My heart drops, what's happening?

"Ah we were going to grab you, come with us please" I look at Mac and then at the Roman as she puts a hand in my back encouraging me to follow them.

Ten minutes later we're sat in her office answering stupid questions, Mac still didn't tell me what had happened or why she looked the way she did but I answered questions truthfully.

Suddenly, Macs brother enters the room hurriedly rambling on about taking us with him. We follow him to his car as I explain who I am. "Macs already told me about you being her friend and being stuck here two, look both of you can come back with me ok? I'll look after you"

They play music in the car as I look out the window on the way home to Dylan's. This whole thing feel so wrong but I don't fight it.

We arrive at their house and as I'm getting changed into borrowed pjs I listen at Mac and Dylan's conversation.

At first it's nothing until I hear my name. "So this Grace girl, is she a friend or... more than that?" Dylan asks Max softly.

"What the fuck do you mean? I'm not a fag!"

"Hey Mac calm down, you can't say that word anymore alright. Times are different now people are more, open, about liking the same gender"

"Can we stop talking about this shit" She says quietly. She agrees as I leave the bathroom seeing Mac sitting with Dylan. Her face is bright red and she's looking down.

"Hey Mac" I say as she gets up and pushes past me. "Whatever" she mumbles.

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