Revealed---chapter one

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Disclaimers before reading
This book contains violence,eating disorders, and explicit content, toxic behavior, cheating also I will put warnings for explicit content thank you I hope you like my book!


Harsh winds blowing through my hair, the white
light blinding me causing me to squint
"This place is going down hisn't it" Damon says
"It is" Bonnie quick replies
I sigh
"Sure there are a million people we'd all rather be with right now.." she says with a hopeless tone in her voice she starts reaching her hand into mine and Damon's

"Couple thousand.. at most" Damon's says a soft laugh leaves both of us

The earth starts to shake beneath our feet
"Do you think it'll hurt" Bonnie says
"I don't know-" Damon gets cut off as the white light consumes us...

I suddenly jolted out of my bed, the reoccurring nightmare replaying in my head since the day we got here.

I hear faint familiar voices bickering down stairs, I roll my eyes and I head down to the kitchen to see the totally not surprising and new sight of ofcourse Damon making pancakes while arguing with Bonnie

"Wow pancakes again who would've guessed" I smile

"Good morning to you too Amaya" Damon says
I sit down with Bonnie Damon putting a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of me and Bonnie
"I hate pancakes!" Bonnie said stabbing a fork into the stack

"Hey don't take out on the pancakes" Damon whispers to Bonnie

He starts walking back to the stove stretching his arms out

"Those pancakes like myself are waiting for you to be witchy to get us the hell outta here" he says
"Here we go again" I smile

"You know I've been trying!" Bonnie snaps back as she stand up

"And failing!" Damon says

"Further evidence were in hell" Damon adds

"Oh no shit Damon" I tell him

"Who shoved a stick up your ass today Amaya?" He says

I roll my eyes
"Not only am I stuck with you two I'm stuck with the useless versions" he says

Bonnie's mouth drops then she suddenly stiffens with a face of realization
She looks back at me
"Did you hear that?"  She says

"Hear what?" I sigh

"What would I have heard bonnie" Damon says
"We're the only three people here" he pauses for a second but quickly starts again "we're the only three people here two months ago and we're the only three people here now!" Damon rants

"Well I swear I heard something!" Bonnie yells

"Maybe it's the sound of existential despair" Damon smiles

"Maybe we should take a walk, on this beautiful May 10th day, we have to go food shopping anyways the only thing in the fridge are grapes and yogurt cups" I tell them

"okay yeah let's go" Bonnie says

"Like I have a choice.." Damon mumbles


"Ookk" I say taking the list out of Bonnie's hand as Damon pushes the cart "strawberry's, eggs milk aannnd- oo candles!" I smile

Damon smiles and turns to Bonnie "I know it's been a while but you couldn't do magic as an anchor.. so I'm curious what momentary lapse of reason makes you think you could do it now?"

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