Stuck with him-chapter four

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It wasn't the natural light of morning sunlight that woke me from a miserable sleep.

No, that was a luxury reserved for a world that wasn't made for the purpose of locking the self centered sociopath Kai Parker away from polite society

But still, I'd hoped to be able to sleep in a little bit longer im still trying to convince myself it was all a bad dream and I'd fallen asleep on my bed in the real world, not a replica of it in a lonely prison.

Kai had no time for luxuries.

He'd pushed open the door full force, stomping in with his doc martens (yes they were popular in the 90s I did my research) already fully dressed in a tight fitting short sleeved black shirt showing his flat muscled chest and arms and dark wash cuffed jeans

. "Wakey wakey sleepy head, or do I have to kiss you wake"

he smiles "Whew, it's dark in here. Like you're in mourning, or you're a vampire or something" he starts

He throws open the curtains and I throw a hand up to block the piercing light, groaning. "Do you have to mourn? It's a good day. In fact, we're celebrating."

"Go celebrate downstairs, also why are we celebrating you literally made me lose my only escape from this hell so I should be mad at you" I mumble, turning my face into the pillow.

" let me sleep."

"Sleep? But it's a momentous occasion. The beginning of the end. My last days in this hellish loop of May 10, 1994, coming to their grand finale. And I finally have some company to boot. I mean, sure, there was Bonnie and Damon, but all they did was bicker. I didn't know it was possible to come up with such creative death threats over a game of uno, but those two enlightened me...but you I literally know nothing about you!,"

"Well you won't I'm boring," I reply, too exhausted to launch into a tirade

. "You'll be a good target for Damon. Been waiting for him to find something productive to do with his temper." I tell him

"You're funny." His tone is light, like he really does find humor in my hostility. "That's good. That you're the funny friend, I mean."

"Means you've got a clear-cut purpose in that group of yours, right?" He utters casually and I sit up straight,

. "Means you've got something to offer, even though you're a human with about as much utility as a doorknob."

"You're an ass," I mutter, tossing the blanket off angrily and ungracefully stepping down from Stefan's bed.

"Well I wasn't the ones who left you here" he scoffs offended

"They didn't leave me here, you literally pulled me back and you shot me with a crossbow?!"

"Or Maybe Damon and Bonnie wanted to leave you here"

"Do you have to start the mind games at..." I blanched when I caught sight of the digital clock on the nightstand. "At eight in the morning?"

"Best to get them out of the way before breakfast," he chirped, heading for the doorway. "Speaking of, I'm making scrambled eggs and toast. I would've liked to be a little more grand for our first morning together, but we're kinda low on groceries. We'll make a trip together later this week, cool?"

"No, we're not going anywhere togeth–"

"See you downstairs!" He called over his shoulder, then disappeared down the hallway.

I slam the door shut once he leaves and head to the adjoining bathroom for a momentary reprieve before I have to deal with the man's incessant commentary for the rest of the day.

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