Chapter 6- the failed rescue

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"I'm sorry it  took us so long," Bonnie says. "It was a whole thing with my magic" liv adds

"I understand," I tell her

"But we shouldn't stick around any longer. Where's Kai?" Bonnie asks 

"Uh he's taking a nap inside."

"Okay." She exhaled, relieved. "Good. Hope the asshole falls into a coma, but we can't be too wishful. Let's go." Suddenly Bonnie holds my hand along with liv, we form a circle with our hands squeezing firmly.

"We're leaving."

"Forgetting someone?" A familiar voice yells from the door

Panic floods through my veins

how could we honestly hope it would ever be this easy to leave Kai Parker behind in the prison he'd burn cities to escape from?

Kai starts walking towards us with an enraged ace he looks like he wants to..

Kill someone

We can work something out I-." I start

"Oh, yeah?" His eyes flash with a rare anger he usually kept in.

"Can we? It's funny, I thought that's what I was trying to do from the start. Never hurt you, never had any intention of harming your friends either–hell, I was even fine with not finishing the job I started eighteen years ago and slitting my baby sister's throat oh yeah she's my sister by the way if you didn't know that."
He grabs a pocket knife which was pulled out of his jeans pushing it open with his thumb he puts the knife against my throat and my eyes widen. "As long as you ported me out of here."

"Motus" liv chants pushing him off of me him hitting the wall with a hard thud a groan leaves his mouth and his hand traveling to those side of his head in pain

He shakes his head slightly. "And instead I- I find you  trying to leave me behind. If you'd stop trying to be moral left and right, you'd be back home right now with your stupid friends, your stupid sister, and your stupid "boyfriend" saying boyfriend with a squeaky voice

"As if we can ever trust you," Liv retorts through gritted teeth. "You'd probably kill us the second we landed."

"Like I don't have better people to kill?" He scoffs.

I glance down at the Ascendant, dusted with dirt and inches from the tip of my sneaker. It lays in wait, undeterred by who might use it next.

"Grab that and this goes in your heart," Kai says abruptly, making me flinch. Guy watches like a damn hawk. "Your choice."

"Relax, what would I do with it? I'm not a witch."

"But you've proven to be difficult nonetheless," he reminds me lightly. "All of you have. But, look, I'm not totally unreasonable." He casts a cold look at me, then liv then Bonnie.

"I'll give you one more chance to do this the right way. Amaya is going to bring you the Ascendant, you'll say the spell again, and in the real world, we'll all part ways as good friends."

"You're fucking deluded, you–"  Bonnie starts

"Or," Kai cuts her off with a bored look he starts to get up , clamping livs arm tight and tighter. His hand glows with the contact and Liv's retort is cut off with a sharp cry of pain. "I can consume all her magic until she only has just enough to complete the spell, so you have no choice but to propel us home if you guys want any chance of survival."

A siphon-witch, he'd called himself dismissively. Knowing that couldn't prepare me for the horrifying sight of my friend getting her magical essence torn from her with a touch.

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