The failed escape--chapter three

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I went upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower and take my mind off things
After I got out, and took a towel and dried my blonde curly hair,
I left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me.

"Hey amaya" The sound of Kai's voice scared the life out of me and I jumped a little, almost dropping my towel.


I turned around and saw him, sitting on my bed with a smirk on his face. He bit his lower lip while his eyes wandered my body up and down. I snapped my fingers to catch his attention off my body.

"Eyes up here." I pointed at my face.

Kai chuckled and didn't listen to me, in fact his eyes lingered on my chest. I blushed slightly. "What do you want?" I asked him to avert his attention.

"No, I just wanted to get away from all of Bonnie and Damon's yammering, like just kiss already anyways.. I see youu don't talk much" He tells me

I scoffed. "No not really" I tell him
"Well you should, it's all just Damon and Bonnie and to be honest they are not the most interesting people ever, also I'm nosy" he laughs
I slightly lean head down and smile but then snap back . "Get out." I ordered, pointing at the door. "Leave."

Kai did his cute head tilt. "Why, Amaya, I was just getting to know you, well not really" He said, standing off the bed and walking towards me. I backed away but bumped into the bedroom door. Kai towered over me, causing his grin to grow.

"Kai, get out of my bedroom."

He rested his arm above my head and I sucked in a breath. "Why don't you like having me here?, uh offended"

I touched his chest and pushed him away but he didn't move. "Kai."

Kai moved closer to me, his chest now against mine. I blushed and he chuckled. "I'm enjoying it."

I sigh "get out kai" I look up at him then down
He puts his hands up and leaves shutting the door behind him

I sit on my bed and smile to myself, oh wait, I can't like him? He's a killer psycho and I have a boyfriend and he's totally no I'm not doing this-
I should probably change
I put on clothes letting my wet hair loose

I head downstairs to where Kai, damon, and Bonnie are discussing what they're gonna do Kai eyes lingers at me


Next day

"Sleeping beauty, your prince is here to wake you." Is the first thing that I hear in the morning.

"Go away kai," I groan, turning away into the pillow

, "sleeping beauty, do I have to kiss you?" He asks in a taunting tone.

"No, I have a boyfriend"

"Didn't ask you that." He murmurs. "

Can you please get out?" I ask as I get up grab some clothes from Stefan's dresser

"I could stay and help you,suprised they let come up here and wake you" He smirks, I laugh and begin push him out

"out." He laughs with me, "fine fine I'm going."

We end up walking through the woods to find Damon and Bonnie.

"Because I will kill Kai and anyone, who comes in the way of me going home." We hear Damon say

. "I heard my name. All good I hope." Kai says as we appear from behind some trees

. He uses the ascendant as he looks up and blocks the sun from his face with it.

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