The murder---chapter two

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"And ofcourse I broke into the Oval Office and took a picture of myself through the window lookin all jfk, but then I was like ooh how am I gonna get these photos developed?" Kai laughs

"Oh my GOD just answer the damn question, how are we gonna get out of this twilight zone?" Damon semi yells

"I actually have a question for first, why do you think we're stuck on a repeating loop of May 10th 1994"

Damon sarcastically shrugs

"Doomed to relive a solar eclipse for ever and ever and ever and.. ever?"

"How the hell should I know" Damon takes a sip of his bourbon

"Well I heard you told Bonnie this place was your own personal hell, I'm kinda curious why?"

"Hi! I found everything you asked for can opener, shower drain, grinding wheel, jam, pocket knife volume O of the encyclopedia, a nail, and a black marker" I say pouring all the stuff out of my yellow backpack

"Now what" I say

"Can't really show you with my hands taped" he smiles

I take the pocket knife off the table and cut the duck tape off
"Thank you Ariana" he smiles
"It's Amaya" I tell him

"Ok fine, how is this pile of crap gonna get us out of here" Damon states
"Ok I'll tell you!, as soon as you tell me what you did on may 10th 1994"

Damon starts to get annoyed
"What difference does it make?!"

"Put it this way" Kai starts
"Bonnie's magic is one part of the equation mine un yet undisclosed knowledge is the other one which means you and.. *he coughs* Amaya *he looks at me* would be hitching a ride home for free, I just wanna know if you Damon deserves to come along well sweet Amaya probably does I mean look at her" he says

"Orrr I can hurt you till you say something useful" he smiles

"If you torture me I'll get mad? And then I won't wanna help you.. what kind of person nerd that explained to them" he laughs

"Play nice."  I tell Damon
"Stop trying to impress him" Damon blankly says
"Why don't you just tell him your story?" Bonnie says

"Maybe because I don't wanna talk about the worst thing I ever did Bonnie"

"Ooo know I'm listening" he says as he grabs a handful of jam

"Ew" I blankly state


Kai is maneuvering with the thing I brought him while me Damon and Bonnie watch
"I need to be... entertained while I work"
He looks up at us
"Hell story pleaseeee"

"Remind me not to kill him" Damon whispers
"Maybe you telling him your story will take your mind of it" Bonnie smiles
"Who's side are you on?"
"The side where we get to go home to the people we love?"
Damon side eyes her
Kai looks up
"On May 10th 1994 I was living here"


"Can I have a sip of that? I'm starving" Damon tells Stefan
"Sureee" Stefan says handing him the flask
Damon takes a sip and makes a disgusted face
"Mmm good right" Stefan said

"No" Damon mumbles

"I don't remember if it was roadkill? Or the rat in the rat trap hopefully road kill tho cause the rat trap was filled with rat droppings swish your tounge around does it feel like hair or does is it more of a grainy pélate" Stefan laughs

Damon gags

Zack walks by

"How's it going Zach" Damon yells
"What's up with the grocery trip?" Stefan adds
"Oh one of the boarders are craving blueberry pancakes" Zach says

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